Thursday, January 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Tears And Terrorists (Asps Series) - Dan getting help from Hector and John.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps series.  Hector Garcia and John Engle give Dan some cover as he has a woman long thought dead at Jim’s ranch trying to help her recover from years of neglect.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
John Engle was the most recent former FBI Director and a friend of the Janitors, who he had worked closely with on the subject of al-Qaida terrorists within the borders of the United States and beyond.  The same two FBI agents who had called on Dan and Janet had gone back to ask more questions, only to find them gone.  After a few days of fruitless efforts to find them, they had gone to see Hector, who had an office next to (and attached by a connecting door) to Dan’s office.  Hector owned the building and let Dan set up his office in his building at no charge.  While both had investigative operations, they really weren’t in competition and, in fact, helped each other on cases from time to time.  When the FBI agents had questioned Hector about Dan’s whereabouts, Hector had given them nothing.  Telling them that for all he knew, Dan and Janet were off on a case of some sort…which, in and of itself, was not a total lie.  Obviously, the intent was far from honest, because Dan and Hector had talked several times on the phone about the situation with Judy Silverman.
When the FBI agents insisted on being let into Dan’s office, and started nosing around Dan’s computer, Hector shook his head.  “Fellas, I wouldn’t mess with that computer.  It’s about twenty grand worth and has a fail-safe firewall you can’t break.  You get close and the whole thing will literally blow up in your face.”
Undeterred, the two proceeded until Hector called John Engle.  “John, I got a situation here…need some help.  Got two FBI agents nosing around Dan Orf’s office and trying to access his computer.  Since Jim set up the same system for Dan and me he set up for you, you know what’s gonna happen if they get too close.  Would you talk to them for me, please?”
After John agreed, Hector handed his cell phone to one of the FBI agents.  John identified himself as the former FBI director, and after the FBI agent identified himself, John continued, “I strongly suggest you cease and desist from trying to go into that computer.  It is the same system I use, and you cannot get into it…period.  In addition, I personally can attest to the honesty and patriotic nature of Dan Orf…and Hector Garcia.  May I ask just what you are investigating Dan about?”
“Sir, he ran a set of prints of a person presumed dead for many years—someone of great importance, if still alive.”
“And who would that be?’
“Sir, that is a need to know matter.”
“Give the phone back to Hector, please.”
Hector took it.  “I’m here John.”
“Who are they looking for?”
“Judy Silverman.”
“What!  Did you say Judy Silverman?”
“Give me back to that agent.”
After taking the phone back from Hector, the agent grumbled, “I’m here, sir.”
“Do you have any idea just who Judy Silverman is and why she is so important?”
“No, sir…other than she’s listed as MIA by the Atomic Energy Agency.  We were just told to find her, and Dan Orf is our best lead.  He saw her in a bar…a rather seedy place…here in Los Angeles, and took a glass she had left behind.  Then he ran the prints to make sure he wasn’t mistaken.  She managed to elude him…so he says.”
“Well I do know who she is, and why she is so important.  I also know you have no right to be going through things in Dan Orf’s office because this is not a matter of National Security.  It’s a matter of International Security.  Now I suggest you get out of there and leave both Hector Garcia and Dan Orf the hell alone.  Report back to your Agent-in-Charge and tell him I made these suggestions.  Further tell him if he doesn’t know who she is and why she’s so important, he should consult with someone who does.  Now, on your way out, please give the phone back to Hector.”
“Yes, sir,” the agent meekly said as he handed the phone to Hector, gave a head nod to his partner, and headed for the door.
Back on the phone, Hector grinned to himself.  “They’re on the way to the door, John.”
“Good.  Do you know who Judy Silverman is and her importance?”
“Jim’s big damn computer?”
“Yeah.  Dan used it to get a lead on her.  According to what he found out, she went missing back in the day and everyone thought she went down with the boat she was on, which was trying to sneak in the backdoor of Iran…obviously without authorization by the Iranians to do so.”
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