Friday, January 9, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bear's War (Asps Series) - MI6 after terrorist planning attacks on England and U.S.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps series.  SIS tracking terrorist planning terrorist actions in England and the USA.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Had von der Shitts known that SIS was closing in on him, he might not have felt so secure.  When the plane Andrew James had been tracking landed in Peshawar, and then went on to Stuttgart, Andrew James wasn’t the only one watching.  The senior SIS agent in the British Embassy in Islamabad was also tracking it.  Once von der Shitts had slipped through his fingers, he had made it his prime concern to make sure all Air Service flights were tracked.  He again mentally thanked Boris and Drew for giving him the capability to do so.   On seeing the plane continuing on to Stuttgart, he had called Tony, who in turn called his senior agent in the Berlin Embassy, and told him that he must, without fail, find out who had come in on the flight. 
The senior agent had spent many days over the last year laying the groundwork to have easy access to security tapes of all airports, large and small, in the major German cities available to him.  It was now a rather easy matter to take advantage of all his hard work.  He flew to the same airport the Air Service plane had landed at, and soon had pictures of the five men leaving the airport.  He, of course, recognized von ser Shitts at once.   He immediately called Tony and told him of that development.  He was instructed to have a team in place near the airport for the foreseeable future, and to get the pictures to Tony immediately.
When Tony got the pictures, he recognized only von der Shitts.  Then he thought of the passport photos from the ten unknown men gathered by the Asps.  The four men who had landed with von der Shitts were amongst the ten.  Tony immediately got back to his man in Germany, told him that news, stressed the possibility more men might be coming in and von der Shitts was to be followed if he was there to greet them.  If the SIS team assigned to Stuttgart felt they could apprehend von der Shitts without the German authorities knowing about it, they were told to do so.  But Tony wanted von der Shitts alive, if at all possible.  He also forwarded the pictures of the other six men from the passports, and told his man that the Stuttgart team was to have copies of the photos.
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