Monday, January 5, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series) - Three of the Asps find small terrorist camp in Pakistan.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Three of the Asps stumble onto an al-Qaida camp hidden in deep forest inside Pakistan.  One of the terrorists is very high-ranking.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Dusty shook his head.  “We should try to take him alive.  Er…please don’t ask me just how we go about that.”
They waited quietly and thought things over for several minutes.  While they all thought, the man in question went to a far side of the camp, and relieved himself, then headed back for his cave.  The other men in the camp were sitting around, doing not much of anything.  One group of four were at a small fire, and three others were sitting on the ground talking.  The others were either alone or with one other man talking.  Only four of the twelve were on their feet.  After a few more minutes, Bear sighed.  “No way we can each take out four of them before somebody notices bodies dropping.  Hell, we might even wind up with a fight on our hands.  And we sure can’t go for help.  They’ll miss their sentry—and probably the five who were stalking us—long before we could get help.”
Kye joked, “Thanks for stating the obvious, Bear.  Now, how about a solution.”
Dusty grumbled, “There isn’t one.  Bear, you take out the guy standing furtherest to our right.  Kye, you take the next standing one over.  I’ll start on the left, and take the last standing one next.  Bear, when you pop yours, start on the group of four near the fire.  Kye, you start on the group of three.  I’ll start on the rest of ‘em.  Let’s see how it goes.  We’ll just have to play it by ear from there.”
All three took a deep breath, let it out, and started firing.  Six of the terrorists were killed before the others really had time to comprehend what was happening, then they all sprang into action, reaching for weapons and getting up.  Their main problem was they had no idea where the nearly silent shots were coming from.  Two more died before the others started running for the cave.  Only two of the original twelve made it.  Even though those two were now in the dark of the cave, the night vision scopes on the rifles clearly revealed them as they still tried to figure out where the shots were coming from.  Those two died inside the cave before the al-Qaida leader and three others, who had been inside the cave, started firing wildly into the surrounding brush and trees.
As the three friends stopped firing, Bear asked, “Now what?”
Dusty sighed and muttered, “Kill ‘em,” before he squeezed off a shot that killed one of the four men.  Kye and Bear started shooting as well and, in a matter of seconds, the last three men fell in their tracks, also. The three Asps started moving in the direction of the camp from their hiding places.  While Bear and Kye checked the bodies outside the cave, Dusty went inside and checked the six corpses there.
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