Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Birth Of The Asps (Asps Series) - Another terrorists bites the dust...this one in D.C.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Bear takes out a sleeper terrorist in Washington, D.C.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Bear, they all agreed, looked more Middle Eastern than anyone else in the party.  He was elected to go to Jabbaar’s door and ring the doorbell.  They had a description of Jabbaar from Gabriel, and the man who answered the door seemed to fit that description.  Bear already had his hand inside his jacket pocket as the door swung open.  Since the man seemed to match the description Bear had, he pulled his Asp and shot Amal al-Jabbaar in the forehead.
Before Jabbaar could fall, the very strong Bear clasped him around the shoulder as he put away his weapon.  Using his free hand to help hold the dead man upright, he more or less danced him out of view of any outside onlookers.  Then he dropped the man to the floor and went back to the door.  He was smiling and waving to the approaching Harry, like Harry was a long lost relative.  Harry hurried in and Bear shut the door.
Harry looked down at Jabbaar as Bear joked, “Sure hope that’s him.  I’d hate to kill the wrong guy by mistake.”
Harry nodded and replied, “Looks like what we were told to expect.  If not, he sure isn’t a good guy, being in this house.  Your acting job was first rate, by the way.”
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