Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Team gathers to start hunt for kidnappers.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, the second book of the Becker Trilogy.  Before starting the hunt for the kidnappers and the three young women, the group eats and makes plans.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
With both carrying as much as they could, they walked up to Jim.  Janet took one look at him and busted out laughing.  “Hi, Jim—what happened to your chin?”
“Cut myself shaving in the stream over yonder.”
Dan joked, “Oh, thought you were doing surgery on yourself, so you’d have a cleft chin.  Would have been a nice touch—and much better story.  You gonna leave the toilet paper on all day?”
“You learn that crap from Jan, Dan?”
“Yeah…and she learned it from you.  We brought breakfast—needs a bit of cooking though.”
Holly groaned in the background.  “Hey, you jerks—hold it down.  I’m trying to sleep.”
Hector got out of his sleeping bag.  “Me, too.  But since you brought food, it’s okay.”
Bob also got up, but said nothing.
Holly groaned as she got up.  “Well, if everyone else is up, I guess I have to shake a leg, too.  You need help cooking, husband?”
With everyone up and moving around, Dan—who came prepared after a fast visit to his war bag—started slicing the ham and bacon, while Jim put the skillet on the grate of the barbeque pit. 
Since Jim’s coffee wasn’t ready, everyone helped themselves to coffee from the thermoses.  Bob tasted his and nodded.  “Damned good coffee.  Come from the urn in the gas station store in Entiat?”
Dan joked, “Yes—I filled the thermoses while Janet flirted with the old guy running the place.  Now she wants to buy a part interest in it.  He flirted back.”
While eating, and then cleaning up, the six discussed their plan of attack for the coming day.  They agreed everyone would team up and check out assigned roads, paths, et cetera, while leaving the two unused vehicles right where they were.  The two vehicles would be the SUV and one of the cars, with Bob and Hector in one of the cars, Jim and Holly in another, and Dan and Janet in one.
When they were packing up from the overnight stay, Jim had an idea.  “You know, we killed off all the eggs, but the rest of this ham and bacon is gonna go bad if we don’t do something about it.  How about you cutting up the rest of it, Dan?  Then I’ll cook it all on the grill here.  We can divide it up and snack on it during the day.”
Dan nodded.  “Beats the hell outta MREs.”
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