Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Crooked attorney about to pay for misdeeds.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, the third book of the Becker Trilogy.  Crooked attorney’s fate being sealed as Jim, Bob, and Holy discuss the situation.  Enjoy and have a great day.
Holly was still well behind Dooley when he reached his house.  By the time he had pulled into his garage and was opening his front door, Holly was still half a block away, but those in the car could see as he entered his home.  Holly drove by, went down to the second cross street, and made a U-turn.  Jim told her where to stop on the opposite side of the street, and the three in the car went into waiting mode.
Meanwhile, when he heard the garage door closing, Newton decided Dooley had enough time to disarm his alarm system, so he slipped in the back door.  Dooley hadn’t done anything to his alarm—because he didn’t have one.  He had only lived in the house for a few days past six months, and just hadn’t gotten around to ordering an alarm system.  When he came in, he placed his bag of money on a living room coffee table, and was taking off his now slightly wet suit jacket when Newton walked into the room.
Dooley’s mouth fell open as Newton motioned toward the floor.  “Face down.  Don’t say a damned word, or I’ll blow your head off.”
Dooley, his mouth still hanging open, did as told after only a slight pause.  Newton quickly knelt down next to him, secured his hands with a plastic restraint, then raised Dooley’s head and slipped a black bag over it. 
While Dooley continued to lie on the floor thus restrained, Newton saw the paper bag, looked inside, and smiled.  Since Hoyer hadn’t told him about the twenty thousand dollars, he got Dooley to his feet and, carrying the bag, hustled Dooley to and through the back door.  Had he waited a few moments longer before entering the living room, Newton would have walked out with the other twenty thousand dollars, because it had been Dooley’s intent to open the safe hidden behind a picture on his living room wall to add the money from the bag inside with his earlier deposit to what he thought of as the First National Bank of Dooley.
Dooley was not thinking about his “bank” as he was led across his backyard and through the mud, to the rear door of the unfinished house.  He was wondering why he was being “kidnapped” when the man with the gun surely had found his money…he had heard the sound of the bag being opened.
By the time Newton had Dooley in the trunk of his car and had secured his feet together with another plastic restraining strip, Jim stretched and sighed.  “I wish Newton would come along, if he’s going to.”
Bob nodded in the backseat.  “Yeah—me, too.  How long do you think we should wait, Jim?”
“I guess we should give it an hour or so.  He doesn’t come by then, it might be a good idea to go in and introduce ourselves to Dooley, and see if we can get some cooperation from him.  I’ve got an idea he’ll give it up without too much trouble if we offer him protection—which I’m sure your cop pal will be happy to supply.”
“Or,” Holly muttered, “we can just leave him to his own devices, like you suggested in the first place, Jim.”
“Yeah, we could do that…but the more I thought about it, the more I felt he might expedite Michelle’s chance to get a new trial for Bernard.  What say you, Bob?”
“I like your first idea better.  Just let Newton have his ass.  We can deal with Hoyer and Newton any old time.  We get Dooley talking, it’ll lead to the arrest of Hoyer and Newton before we get a chance to talk to them in private.”
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