Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Tickleton Affair (Janitors Series) - Arnold shows pluck.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series.  The President agrees, reluctantly, to Arnold staying with the team that will hunt for the Chinese spy…and for Jim to attend to another matter.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
“Good, thanks.  I’m Jim.  Anyhow, the President suggests that I fly you back to Washington and put you up at my facility there, which is on an Air Force base, until we get to the bottom of this.  Are you receptive to that idea?”
“Not at all.  As I’ve made clear to Dan and Evan, I’m not hiding from this bastard.  I want his ass.  We’re going hunting.  You’re welcome to come along if you like.  If not, see you later.”
Jim looked at Arnold and smiled.  Then he returned to the President.  “Uh, sir, he says no.  And he did so in no uncertain terms.  He says he’s not hiding from Chang Lin.  He’s hunting him.”
“Oh, wonderful.  I take it this Chang Lin you mentioned is the one who is after him?”
“Yes, sir.  Dan Orf’s hunch was right.  A gun dealer by the name of Peter Ginsberg sold Lin the weapons he used in the raid on Buchanan Industries and also the ones used in the attempt on the highway, the one that killed the two FBI agents.”
“How did you find all this out?”
“I asked Mr. Ginsberg, sir.”
“Yeah, asked.  Glad you’re on our side.  Jim, is this guy Buchanan a cowboy?  Or just a genius with pluck?”
“Pluck, sir.”
“Oh, very well.  Do what you think best.  I’ve always had good luck trusting you, and I am a bit interested in seeing if you can find al-Qaida gold in Sudan.  Tell Holly and Jessica if they lose Buchanan, they are no longer welcome at the White House.”
Jim laughed.  “I’ll pass that along, sir.”
“By the way, just who is this Dan Orf fellow that you mentioned?”
“He’s an insurance investigator with Gold Rush Insurance.  He and his wife Janet were the ones who discovered the cause and identity of the guy responsible in that LV Charters plane crash in the Rockies.”
“I thought I’d heard that name.  What’s his position in this?”
“They—Gold Rush—have Mr. Buchanan and his plant insured.  He’s working with the local FBI through John Engle.”
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