Friday, December 19, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Back To Iraq (Janitors Series) - Raid on the Joint.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jessica earns her place on team with defeat of raid on the Joint.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Flustered, Hans turned toward the truck.  “We’ll have to force our way in—hurry up, everyone.”
Instantly the six men in the rear of the truck piled out, as did the other German in the front of the truck.  They brought pre-rigged wads of C-4 explosive with them.  Quickly one of the charges was placed on the locking mechanism on the outer gate.  They stood back as it exploded.  Through that gate, they did the same thing at the other one.
Jessica watched dumbfounded.  But when the men poured in through the second gate, she tried to remain calm and follow the instructions Jim had given her earlier.  When all eight men had passed through the gate, she raised a red cover on the console and pressed the button.  That button was connected to six claymore mines.  They exploded with a horrific explosion and literally tore six men to shreds.  The other two men, the Germans who had rushed in first, had made it to the deeply recessed entrance foyer and, though hit, they were still upright and able to carry on.  Had they stopped to think, they could have possibly made good an escape.  Days before, they had placed explosives on the perimeter fence of the base, which could be detonated by a remote control, located in the truck.  That had been their planned escape route. 
However, adrenalin took over and they put another charge on the door.  Meanwhile, Jessica had picked up a phone and placed a call to Ted Kuntz.  She called him because it was a number she had for some reason remembered, while forgetting Jim’s cell phone number and the base security office number.  She was in luck.  Ted answered on the first ring, and Jessica, a surprisingly small amount of stress in her voice, said, “This is Jessica Wilson calling from the Joint.  I’m under attack by men dressed as Marines.  Please help.”
Before Ted could reply, there was another loud explosion.  On the monitor covering the front entrance, Jessica could see the two men rush in.  She dropped the phone and ran to her computer, where she had left her gun.  As the two men came in through the foyer, Jessica raised the gun and fired twice.  Both Germans fell to the floor with nice neat holes right between their eyes.
Ted acted quickly.  He called base security—where they had heard all of the explosions and already had men on the way—and told them that men dressed as Marines were attacking the Scott Facility.  Then he called Jim on his cell phone, and when Jim answered, he alerted him to the problem.  “Jim, Jessica Wilson is under attack at the Joint.”
Not taking time to answer Ted, Jim told the driver to return to the base at once.
General Bradley walked into Ted’s office as Ted was picking up the phone connected to Jessica and heard only eerie quiet.   He asked, “Jessica, are you there?”
When he received no answer, he said to his secretary, “Arrange a police escort with lights flashing.  I’m going to Andrews…emergency!”
General Bradley asked, “What’s up?”
Ted raced out of his office and said on his way past the General, “Attack on the Joint.”
General Bradley followed Ted without comment and they were soon speeding toward the Air Force base.
At the base, the Air Force security team arrived first.  They piled out of their vehicles and the captain in charge took one look at the carnage on the Joint grounds and raced to and through the open front door of the building.  As he rounded the corner, he stopped dead in his tracks.  Jessica was pointing a gun at him.  “I think you’re supposed to wait outside until someone arrives who belongs here.”
He replied, “Yes, ma’am,” as he glanced down at the two dead men at his feet, before backing out of the building.
Once outside, he again looked at the blown apart bodies.  The effect of six claymore mines at point-blank range was more than just devastating.  The captain could hardly stand to look at the mess of what had once been six men.
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