Saturday, December 13, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Maine visits terrorist in custody in hospital.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, the third book of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer’s partner, Maine, staying in the hospital to guard the young girl drugged by the terrorist now in captivity in the hospital, shows her displeasure with the man.  Enjoy and have a great day.
“Don’t leave me please.  Please.”
Maine stroked Bethel’s hair again.  “Okay.”  After she agreed to stay, she reached for the button to summon the nurse on duty. 
The nurse came in and Maine told her to get a doctor, because the patient was awake and alert.  When a doctor came in, he talked to Bethel for a while.  Then, as Maine started to leave, Bethel nearly became hysterical.  Maine came back to the bedside and stroked Bethel’s hair again.  “I have to go to the bathroom.  Wanna get myself a cup of coffee, too.  The doctor will stay with you until I get back.  Okay?”
Bethel nodded, but shivered a bit as Maine left the room.  Maine did have to go to the bathroom.  After doing so, she went to the room where Simmons was.  She walked up to one of the two uniformed officers outside the room.  After exchanging greeting with him, she smiled.  “I wanna talk to Simmons for just a second.”
The officer she had exchanged greeting with knew her, so nodded.  “Since it’s you, Detective, I guess it’s okay.  Go ahead.  There’s two more guys inside with him.  He’s on full watch.  Two inside at all times, at least one of us out here.  Someone needs to potty, we make sure there’s still two guys inside.”
Maine laughed as she opened the door.  She joked, “‘Potty’ he says.”
Both officers outside the door laughed.  When Maine was inside, she nodded to the two officers, identified herself, and showed her badge, before she walked over to Simmons, who was asleep.  She nudged him.  When he woke up, she spit in his face.  “You stinking animal—I’ll be there when they put the needle in you.”
The two officers didn’t know exactly what to do, but Maine turned and, as she headed back to the door, growled, “I’ve been with the girl this bastard and his friends drugged and strapped an explosive vest on before sending her toward Elmer Bader and me to blow us up.  Poor girl had no idea she was about to die, and take us with her.”
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