Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Team prepares to rescue women sold into white slavery.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series.  The team arranges two fact finding trips as they get ready to rescue three of the women sold into white slavery.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Jim sighed.  “Yeah, I guess you’re right, Drew.  Okay, we’ve got three targets.  The two Saudi princes, and the rich guy in Iran.  Billy, Hector—you two guys well versed on the guy in Iran?”
Billy nodded.  “Drew and Boris filled me in pretty well on him.  I can bring Hec up to speed.  Guess you’ve got in mind for us to go lay the groundwork for a team effort to get the gal he has out of there?”
Jim nodded.  “Yeah.  Drew, you and Boris can scope out the situation in Saudi.  I’ll call the General and get you an Air Force flight out as soon as possible.  Same thing for you and Hector, Billy.  I’ll get an Air Force flight laid on for you guys to Turkey.  You can figure out how to go on from there.  Let’s fix you up with false papers to use for travel from Turkey to Iran.  Maybe go in as Turk businessmen.  That’s assuming the damn Turks don’t give us any crap about flights into our bases there.  One plane shouldn’t pose a problem.  We’ll make up our minds who goes after whom after the four of you report back on what you find.  Any questions, or comments?”
All four men involved shook their heads, but Holly raised her hand.  “Honey, you better check with the President about the two Saudi princes before Dad and Boris go whizzing into Saudi.”
Jim shook his head.  “Not for just a fact-finding mission.  But, I’ll run it by General Bradley when I ask him to arrange the flights.  I’d planned on a trip to the White House on the subject of the two princes in the morning…if General Bradley can get me in to see the President.”
That said, Jim placed his call to General Bradley.  In less than two hours, Billy and Hector boarded an Air Force flight headed for Turkey.  Drew and Boris had been gone an hour by the time the Turkey flight took off.
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