Monday, December 15, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - After a night of storms and sex, Bob helps Terri get breakfast ready.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, the first book of the Becker Trilogy.  The morning after a major thunderstorm and sex during it, Bob and Terri are getting breakfast for the household before planning for the upcoming day.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Terri grinned, “Thanks again for last night—WOW!  I’ve heard ‘mad sex’ is good…but I’m here to tell you ‘scared out of your mind sex’ is better.  But I’m thinking it would be good with you anytime.”
“Was great—I feel the same way about you.”
Leo walked in, looked at the table set for five—including orange juice poured for all, with bread, bacon, and eggs on the counter.  “Sure was one hell of a storm last night.  Glad to see someone is as hungry as I am.  What can I do to help?”
Terri pointed.  “Sit down…well, make that after you get your own coffee.”
Bob just nodded as he put bread in the toaster, while Terri started the bacon and eggs.
Leo got his coffee and sat.  “Horace will be along shortly…he’s in the east gun port, checking things over.  By the way, you okay, Terri?  I thought I heard a scream right after the last big bang from the storm.”
Terri blushed as she glanced at Bob, who sucked his lips into his mouth to avoid smiling.  Leo noticed, but said nothing, before Terri answered, “Yeah, I’m fine thanks.  Now.  I don’t do storms well.  Had an incident when I was a kid…been scared silly by ‘em ever since.”
When Horace entered the kitchen, he yawned and stretched.  “Hell of a storm last night.  The tree the guy I shot was in is down, by the way.  You okay, Terri?  Thought I heard a scream last night.  Nearly got up, but figured you’re just not too fond of storms?”
“I’m fine.  Thanks.  No, I don’t like storms.”
Bob busied himself with helping Terri, to keep from needing to comment.  Both he and Terri were glad when Bill came in with Tillie, who Terri had let out earlier.  Bill scratched the side of his face.  “Morning, folks.  Some storm.  Bob, the pool generator got hit…trashed—burnt to a crisp.”
Tillie ran over to Bob, as he nodded his acknowledgment of Bill’s comment, got some attention, then moved back, sat, and waited for something good to happen.  Bob sighed, went to the cabinet where Tillie’s food was stored, and filled her food bowl.
Breakfast was shortly well underway.  When they finished, the dishes were taken care of, and Bob had called Murray Mason to make sure all was well with him and his family.  Then they all sat around the kitchen table with coffee to discuss their plans for the day. 
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