Monday, December 29, 2014

Latest from the Janaitors, Asps, and Other Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series) - Madman terrorist strikes again.

Today’s excerpt is from Devil’s Brew, Book #8 of the Janitors Series.  Vicious terrorist strikes again, but this time the subject of his terror lived.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Mohammed limply swung his machete, only barely breaking the skin.  Tikriti was incensed.  He knew he had precious seconds, and opted to vent his ire on Mohammed, rather than cutting off Sandy’s head, as he had the other two women.
As Mohammed stood transfixed, Tikriti swung his machete with all his might.  The blade went from the left of Mohammed’s neck to under his right arm.  As the two pieces of Mohammed fell to the floor, Tikriti ran through the house, into the kitchen.  He was soon through the back door.
Had Ruby and Wilbur not taken the time to get Sandy’s pizza out of the rear of the patrol car, they might have seen, rather than heard, Tikriti.  They did, however, hear him and wondered what the hurried sound of feet running down Sandy’s back steps meant.  They soon found out.  As they hurried toward the rear of the house, Ruby glanced into Sandy’s bedroom and shouted, “Wilbur, call an ambulance.  Officer down.”
She then dropped the pizza she’d been carrying and rushed into Sandy’s bedroom.  When she reached Sandy, she rapidly took the pillowcase from one of Sandy’s pillows and wrapped it around the leg stump.  Then she took the other pillowcase and did the same with her amputated arm.
By that time, Wilbur had made the call for an ambulance and had untied Sandy’s other arm and leg.  He tossed the clothesline pieces to Ruby.  “Tie the pillowcases on with this.”
He then ran into the bathroom and got two bath towels.  He wrapped one over the pillowcase and held it tightly, as Ruby did the same with the other towel on her arm.
Sandy’s luck had taken a decided turn for the better with the arrival of Ruby and Wilbur.  Not only did their attentions probably save her life, but they were aided in the fact that an ambulance was slowly returning from a false alarm only two blocks from Sandy’s home when the call went out.  They were there even as Ruby was wrapping the towel on Sandy’s arm.
The paramedics soon took over.  One had the presence of mind that, as he worked, he said, “Untie those pieces of arm and leg and bring them with us.  The doctors may be able to put them back on.”
Sandy, of course, was oblivious to the entire proceeding.  She had thankfully passed out, just after the second blow by Tikriti.
When the paramedics arrived, Wilbur hurried through the house and out the back, hoping to track the monster who had done this to their friend.  In that endeavor, Wilbur failed.  Tikriti was long gone.  He had run out the back door, circled the house, and was soon driving off in his car.
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