Monday, December 22, 2014

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, and Other Books - SNEAK PREVIEW - Back To China (Other Books) - Kim Jong Un wets himself.

SNEAK PREVIEW excerpt from Back To China, my new book that will be published on Amazon’s Kindle Book Store sometime after the first of the year.  A plane is flying west from Las Vegas where two scientists (one American and one working for England) from Area 51 have been kidnapped.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



SIS Chief Sir Anthony Henry got on the line.  “I take it you have some disturbing news for me.  We are aware Mr. Hogan is not where he is supposed to be.”

“Yes, sir—I’m afraid you’re right.  He…and Mr. Walendy have been kidnapped.”

The agent explained what he knew about the situation.  When he finished, Sir Anthony asked, “Do you have any knowledge of just who did this?”

“None, sir.  Though from what I just heard one of the FBI agents tell the other agents with me, it seems several witnesses stated they seemed to be Asian.”

“Very well.  Do what you can.  I will be back to you.”

When he got off the phone, Sir Anthony asked, “What is the status of our GPS device?”

“Moving past the coast of California…almost certainly in an airplane, sir.  If one was to extend a straight line from Nevada through their present location, it would cross over Japan, Korea, and into China…if it doesn’t stop in North Korea.”

“Thank you…I’d bet on China.  That pipsqueak, Kim Jong Un, doesn’t have the smarts or balls to pull off an operation like this.  In fact our man in Korea says a recent flight of American fighters headed for North Korea caused him to wet himself…before they veered off at the last second.”

Within three seconds, Sir Anthony called #10 Downing Street.  When he had the Prime Minister on the line, he paused just a moment, then spoke.  “Sir, we have a very serious situation.”


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