Friday, August 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - FREE for 3 days - Elmer discovers "drunk" is war hero.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second book of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer finds out his star witness (a drunk) is a lot more than the mess in front of him.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



NOTE:  Starting tomorrow (and running for three days) this book can be purchased at Amazon’s Kindle Book Store for FREE.  The easy way to find it is go to the below web site, click “Other Books”, then click the link below the book taking you to it at Amazon.


He looked hard at Alan when he said it.  Alan knew what Elmer wanted.  He took the cup carefully, as Elmer had used his fingers inside the cup to slide it.  With the cup in hand, he left the room.  When he returned, he had a new cup for Horace.  He nodded at Elmer, before he left again, while Greg asked a few questions of Horace. 

Alan was gone for nearly twenty minutes before he returned.  He nodded to Elmer again.  Elmer got up.  “Bert, keep Horace company, please.  Greg…a word, please.”

Greg followed Elmer and Alan out of the room.  When the door shut, Alan shook his head.  “You ain’t gonna believe this, El.  Our drunk is a hero.  Full name is Horace Greeley Housmer…Retired Army Special Forces First Sergeant.  Got Medals up the ass…Silver Star, Bronze Star, four Purple Hearts—a bunch of other stuff.  He’s retired…on full pension from the Army.  Not married…seems to never have been.  Not much else.  No record.  How’n the hell did he wind up like this?”

“Who the hell knows?  Greg?”

“In spite of his condition, he sounds real—so does his story.  Which leaves us where?  Work it together—the other two, your deal…me on my three?”

“Yeah—sounds good.  If we catch whoever it was, you can prosecute for your three…we can for our two.  Better chance to avoid goofs by one prosecutor or the other.  Get two kicks at the can…if some judge lets us.”


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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bear's War (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the Asps Series.   Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Dear Reader

In Bear’s War, the fifth book in the nine-book “Asps” series, the team spends a good portion of the book tracking down a half-German, half-Egyptian terrorist.  During that effort, they manage to damage the plans he has to make two major attacks on England, and one on the United States…only to have the attacks re-planned.  On two occasions, they run into the Iranians offering substantial help to the al-Qaida terrorist they are trying to capture.   Tragedy continues to stalk the combined team of Asps and former Janitors, but, as always, they fight the War on Terror, in spite of their losses…and add new and exciting characters.



To Scott



It is obvious to anyone paying attention that a much-weakened al-Qaida continues to find traction in many ways.  Not the least of those efforts are in recruiting new members in several locations around the globe.  The trick of the game is to thwart those efforts as fast as the terror organization can come up with them.  This book, as with most of the “Asps” series, deals with those efforts.



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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back to China (Other Books) - Drew and Bear capture local man behind Las Vegas bloody kidnapping.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  While Jim and his three friends were in the air flying toward China in the bomb bay of a B-2, Drew and Bear are in Las Vegas trying to gather more information on the local front…from the man who set up the ambush earlier in the day.   Enjoy and have a great day.


With Jim and his strike team airborne, Drew and Bear were, also…aboard the helicopter that would drop them.  After the helicopter flew around checking the wind—including looking at the various flags flying below—it swooped in over the target building.  By prior agreement, Drew jumped first.  This was done so he wouldn’t have to deal with Bear’s chute, while Bear was trying to gather it in.

In his days with the CIA, Drew was considered one of the best parachutists in the agency.  In fact, there was even a picture of him in the office of SIS.  The picture, taken by the RAF plane that had dropped him and an SIS agent, showed him climbing up his rigging from inside a smoke stack of an abandoned manufacturing building he had intentionally landed in, with his chute catching on the top of the stack.  

The ravages of age had dulled his ability, but he felt he’d have no problem with the jump—especially if he didn’t have to worry about any extra items on the veranda…like a billowing parachute.  He was correct.  He landed without difficulty, and was gathering his chute as Bear landed some ten feet from him.

When both men had their chutes gathered and stowed where they wouldn’t be seen, Drew went to a sliding glass door and tried it.  He shook his head at the stupidity of finding it unlocked.  He whispered to Bear, who was standing right next to him, “Idiot never thought someone might come at him this way.”

Bear just nodded as they entered the lavish apartment of Sammy Lee.  As Bear slid the door shut Drew headed for one of the rooms adjacent to what was obviously the main living room of the unit.  Bear headed for another door, leading from the room.  After they had gone through the entire unit, Drew sighed.  “Your idea was a good one, Bear.  Now all we have to do is wait.”

“Where do you wanna set up, Drew?”

Drew looked around carefully and pointed at a door neither he nor Bear had tried to open.  “That almost surely has to be the way in, as we discussed.  While it would be nice to see what’s on the other side, it may have an alarm system we can’t see—or surely will have cameras between it and the elevator.”

“Hold it, Drew.  I forgot to tell you there is a similar door…in heft, not design…in the kitchen.  Do you think it could be next to a freight elevator?”

“Could be—but I’m betting Mr. Hotshot Casino Owner won’t be coming through it.  But, just on the off chance someone may use it, how about going back into the kitchen and placing a chair in front of it, with something that will break as it falls off the chair when the door bumps into it?”

“Be right back.”

After Bear returned to the front room, the two men looked around again before Drew muttered, “Well, since the doors off this room were all closed, to open one and stand in the doorway probably isn’t too good an idea.  As much as I’d hate to hear the smartass comments of Boris if we did so, I suppose behind the drapes.  You on one end of the sliding door and windows, me on the other.  We only have to avoid being seen for the few seconds it will take Lee and whatever bodyguards he has with him to clear the doorway.”

“We don’t tell anyone where we hid, Drew.  I don’t want to listen to Boris go on about it for the next ten years.”

“Oh, when he gets up here, he’ll look around and make some comment about the only place to lay in wait would be the drapes…then wait for reaction from one of us.”

Bear laughed.  “At least the drapes are opened up most of the way, and there’s a wall partway behind ‘em so no one from one of the other buildings is likely to see us standing there.  Speaking of which, I sure hope no one saw our jump.”

“If they had, we would have had company by now.  We were no doubt helped by the fact the only light on in this entire apartment was the dim one over by the doorway.  But I’m glad you mentioned someone seeing in.  No doubt when they come in, someone will turn on brighter lighting.  You get the end of the drapes with the pull cord.  When we have things in hand, shut the damned drapes.”

Bear chuckled as he walked to one end the opening and found the pull cord.  He looked at Drew and nodded.  “This is my end.  See you later.”

Drew smiled as he walked to the other end and got behind the drapes there.  They waited for the better part of an hour before they heard the door opening.  They both stood still until they heard the door latch sounding, to indicate the door had been shut.  As Drew predicted, one of the two bodyguards with Lee turned on brighter lighting in the room.

Drew and Bear stood out from behind the drapes, within a fraction of a second of one another.  Drew growled, “Freeze or die.”

Neither bodyguard froze as both went for their weapons.  Both died.

As Drew took three fast steps toward Lee, encouraging him to stand still as he did so, Bear hurriedly shut the drapes.  With his free hand, Drew frisked Lee, and on finding no weapon, grabbed him by the silk tie he wore and led him to a chair.  “Sit.”


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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Tears And Terrorists (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.




Dear Reader

In Tears & Terrorists, the fourth of nine books in the “Asps” series, the team suffers some losses and a change in the team make-up as they travel the globe eliminating small (and not so small) terrorist nests, mostly al-Qaida.  Also, in this book, al-Qaida sinks to still new depths with a diabolical stunt to make Lucifer proud of his Islamist off-spring…but said off-spring suffer a terrible price as a result.




To John and Maree




As al-Qaida suffers world-wide losses at the hands of the three main intelligence services (CIA, MI6, and Mossad), determined to hunt down and destroy the sons of Satan, they are finding places to hide more and more difficult.  This story is but one of many dedicated to exposing the incompetence of al-Qaida.  Enjoy their losses, as you weep for those who have lost their lives fighting this damnable cancer to world-wide human society.


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Monday, August 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Fido (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.


         Dear Reader

Fido is the third book in the nine book “Asps” series.  Old friend Arnold Buchanan (from the Tickleton Affair, the fifth book of the “Janitor” series) invents a new item, which “Bear” puts to good use.  The team engages various enemies in Colombia, Costa Rica, Pakistan, Mexico, Libya, and Egypt, with a few stopovers along the way.  At times they work with Tony Henry of SIS and with the SAS team they often go to war with.  As often is the case, Jim Scott and some of the old Janitors team manage to get involved at times. 



To the Officers and Crew of the USS Peacock (MSC-198), especially those who      served on her from late 1957 to early 1958.  Thanks for memories of a lifetime,   Shipmates.




A skilled team can frequently engage the enemy and, in the process, come up with viable intelligence to lead them to the next engagement…or engagements.  While it is no secret the Islamist terrorist movement has made inroads into the drug business, efforts to thwart that effort almost always go unnoticed and unreported.  Rest assured that efforts by terrorist organizations to do so are being dealt with on a regular basis.



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Friday, August 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - A drunk lady is mad as hell.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone action/adventure novel introducing new character Clyde Feegle.  Jo Kelly is well drunk for the first (and only time) in her life due to anger at being betrayed by someone she thought was a friend.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



         After he put his socks and shoes on, Clyde put on his shoulder holster, before he helped Jo dress.  As they started to leave the room, Jo noticed Clyde’s shoulder holster, and got her gun out of the hidden holster in her purse.  Clyde didn’t notice because he was already opening the door.

         But as soon as they got downstairs, Glenn sure noticed the gun.

         Before he could inquire, Jo—who had seen the other three had on shoulder holsters, also—asked, “Anybody got another of those neat shoulder holsters around?”

        Glenn asked, “Where in the hell did that gun come from?”

        “I keep it in my purse, silly.”

        Glenn glared at Clyde, before he asked, “Jo, have you been bringing that gun into CIA Headquarters?”

        “Yup, sir—I sure have.  Got a neat little holster in my purse.”

        Clyde just ran his hand down his face before he tried to take the gun from Jo.  “Nope, sir—you ain’t getting my gat.  I’m gonna blow his balls off with it.”

        Clyde snatched the gun and growled, “Maybe if you drink about a gallon of coffee and sleep all the way there, I’ll think about giving this back to you.”

        In the kitchen, everyone—including the objecting Jo, who insisted she didn’t need any—drank a cup of coffee.  Candi put the rest in a thermos—exclusively for Jo.

        Floyd hadn’t even bothered to question Glenn on the advisability of the CIA Director going on such a mission—especially one strictly illegal on several levels.  But he did insist on driving. 

       When Jo blurted out, “Shotgun,” Clyde just steered her into the back. 


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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - The Zimo Hunt (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Dear Reader

The Zimo Hunt is the second of the nine-book “Asps” series.  In this book, the Asps work almost full-time with British SIS (MI6) and SAS—for the most part in Pakistan…with a few side trips along the way.  Jim Scott and several (most) of the former Janitors assist in one way or another, as the old team seems to find ways to get involved with the new team. 




To the men of the Vietnam era 614th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, close air support for Army and Marine troops in country.  Special call out to:

Devil Lead and Lucky Devil Two





It has long been known that al-Qaida—along with their pals the Taliban—was (and is) well-involved in international drug trafficking.  It also is well known (rather than just suspected) that some in the Pakistani intelligence community have, at best, turned blind eyes toward some activities of both the Taliban and al-Qaida…and at worst have actively helped both terrorist organizations.  This story involves both of these situations. 


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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Birth Of The Asps (Asps Series) - Dear Rader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.   Enjoy and have a great day.



Dear Reader

Birth of the Asps is the first book of a new nine-book series.  The plan hatched by Jim Scott with the outgoing President at the end of the Janitor series comes to fruition a few months into the administration of the new President.  Even though the “War on Terror” is declared ‘over’ by the new President, the Asps are formed and immediately set out on a mission to uncover an al-Qaida plot on the island nation of Dominica.  Drew Hollins’ old friend, “Meat Hook” Calabrese, soon dishes up still another al-Qaida plot that the new team gets involved in.  As you will discover, Jim Scott has not exactly “retired.”  A few of the old Janitors also get involve…for those who thought they might be finished when the Janitors were disbanded.



To good friends Earl and Vi



The Asps, the new team formed after the Janitors were disbanded, travels far and wide in search of al-Qaida and other terrorists to destroy.  They cover areas east from the United States, as far away as Pakistan, all the way back to areas south of the United States, with several stops along the way.  In this book, they start out on a mission to the island nation of Dominica…a quiet, peaceful nation, whose leaders are wont to dally with such nations as China.


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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Tucans.

Today's excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Jim and friends share a lighter moment in the midst of a serious situation.  Enjoy and have a great day.
When they and Holly got back to Bob and Michelle’s home, they walked in just as Jim said, “Yeah, Toucans.  Thanks.”

Holly hurried over to Jim, kissed him, then tilted her head.  “Two cans of what?”


“Hey, dummy, I just asked you…‘two cans of what’?”

“Not two cans, Toucans.”

“Aw, husband, give me a break.  Two cans of what?”

By now Bob was roaring with laughter, Michelle was laughing lightly, and Lorri was smiling.

Jim shook his head.  “Honey, Toucans—the birds…not cans of soup.”

After everyone laughed or chuckled, Holly groaned, “I’d rather have two cans of soup right about now.  What in the heck are you planning to do with Toucans?”

“Depends if you’re talking birds or soup.  I was just talking to Hector…”

“I guess you’ll make me sleep on Bob’s couch if I ask what Hector has to do with soup?”
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Monday, August 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Dear Reader


In this the final book of the Janitor series, the French (under direction of the French President who has been a thorn in the side of our President during the War on Terror) make a foolish blunder.  The President, General Bradley, and the Janitors jump on the blunder to have a bit of comic relief after seven plus years of dealing with the terrorist threat.  During the effort to cause the French President—and a previously discredited French intelligence operative—as much grief as possible, the team also has to deal with several al-Qaida operations.

Good reading, and hope you have enjoyed the series.




To my good friend Bob, who has helped me with many of my shortcomings.




Why a portion of the American public seems intent on “being more like the French” is beyond me.  This is the story of one in a long line of pompous jerks to hold the seat of President of France, and the type of foolish moves they have made over the years.  It is written with a bit of tongue in cheek, and lets my characters in the Janitor series have a bit of fun on the way out the door, so to speak.  Enjoy. 


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Friday, August 14, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Devil's Brew (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

In Devil’s Brew, Book #8 of the Janitors series, the team expands greatly for a mission to deal with a major al-Qaida training facility inside Syria, even as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan rage on.  Some old friends from Toboggan, and our friendly Mafioso from Dead Silent Calm reappear, some for long-term association with the team in the coming Asps series, which starts where the Janitor series leaves off, after the next and final book of this series…Sedona Chip.





To friends Anson and Bonnie





Did Saddam Hussein really dispose of Iraq’s WMD after using them on thousands of his own people?  Or did he simply hide them where the inspection teams that searched for them couldn’t find them?  Questions that we may never know the answer to…but one possibility is offered up in this book.  This book also again visits the total lack of decency al-Qaida and other Islamists operate under, as nothing can be put past these ruthless cowards.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Dead Silent Calm (Janitors Series) - Dear Rader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Dear Reader

In Dead Silent Calm, the seventh book in the nine-book Janitor series,  the team goes after a madman Chinese scientist who in addition to coming up with two deadly formulas to unleash on the U.S., is working with al-Qaida.  And we also have a major change in the make-up of the team.  Two of the new members will stay with the team until it’s disbanded, and will be main factors (team leaders) in the nine-book Asps series that will follow the Janitors.



To Brian…good luck with your croc



For those of you not paying attention, China is no friend of the United States.  It would seem they took notes as we buried the Soviet Union with Star Wars and blue jeans.  This story, however, is about one of their scientists who frightens even some higher-ups within China. 


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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - The Saltwater Connection (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Dear Reader


      With the team now two-plus years into its activities, and the build-up to the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom going on, the Janitors embark on a far flung mission to thwart more evil deeds by al-Qaida…and Hamas.  In this book, The Saltwater Connection, the line-up of the Janitors—as formed in Baghdad Butcher and refined in Back to Iraq—changes somewhat.  We lose one of the members of the team and add three new ones, Dan and Janet Orf from Dog Pound, Toboggan, and The Tickleton Affair, as well as a new character from this book.






To my friend David





It is a well-known fact that many of the Islamist Terrorists of various stripes assist others of their ilk whenever possible.  In this book, we have al-Qaida and Hamas working together in a white slavery operation…showing again that nothing is too deep a depth for these sickos to engage in.


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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - The Tickleton Affair (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Dear Reader


      In this novel of industrial and military espionage, Dan and Janet Orf from Dog Pound and Toboggan meet Jim Scott and some of the Janitors from Baghdad Butcher and Back to Iraq.  Those who have read Dog Pound and Toboggan have undoubtedly figured out that Dan and Janet are two of three characters who will become Janitors (they’ll join the team in the next book, Saltwater Connection).

      In this novel, Dan and Janet are dispatched to investigate and protect a scientist/industrialist who is doing highly classified work for the government (after he is nearly killed early in the book).  They work with the Janitors in this effort.

    A special note here to readers living in or familiar with Sedona, Arizona.  A bit of literary license has been used to make the book “work better.”  I am well aware that there is no restaurant facility in the Sedona airport.  Also, the ranch portrayed here is no longer owned by those who owned it at the time setting of the book…as some of you reading this story will no doubt know.





To George






      Industrial espionage is as old as industry.  When industry is coupled with military implications mixed in with an unscrupulous master spy to gather information, the “norm” is sometimes ignored.

      This is the story of such a mixture, and the master spy happens to be from Mainland China.


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Monday, August 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Toboggan (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Toboggan, Book #4 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Dear Reader


Toboggan, is the fourth book in the “Janitors Series,” following Baghdad Butcher, Back To Iraq, and Dog Pound.  Once again, Jim Scott and the Janitors are on vacation, except for another cameo appearance, which is a continuation of their mission in Dog Pound.  In this book, we have a return of Dan and Janet Orf, as well as their friend Mark Yomo.  Dan and Janet investigate a plane crash in the Rocky Mountains, while Mark attempts to track down two criminals in the area of the crash.  


In this book, a number of the new characters introduced play roles in later books of the series…with two becoming Janitors for one mission in the eighth book, Devil’s Brew.  Also, during the Janitor’s appearance, the C-130 plane crew from Back To Iraq is fleshed out, and most of them stay with the team from the sixth book, Saltwater Connection, thru the ninth and final book of the series, Sedona Chip.




To Jeep…one helluva guy.





This book is part survival story, part investigation, and with a bit of the Janitors.  The Orfs investigate on two fronts, while a young, newly formed, couple fight the extremes of a late spring blizzard in the Rockies.  While that couple heads down the mountain, they find themselves on a collision course with a pair of escaped criminals headed up the same mountain in an effort to avoid re-capture by the authorities.


While all this is going on, the idiot author had to stop typing on several occasions because laughter made it impossible to go on without a break.  While not a comedy, I hope the readers find those sections as funny as I did…though I’m sure the higher muckety-mucks in Iran and the leadership of al-Qaida will find it less funny.


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Friday, August 7, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Dog Pound (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.
Dear Reader
Dog Pound is the third book in the “Janitors Series,” following Baghdad Butcher and Back to Iraq.  However, with the exception of a cameo appearance, Jim Scott and the Janitors take a vacation in this book.  A new batch of characters, three of whom join the team in later books, are introduced in this one. Three more characters herein offer varying degrees of assistance to the Janitors in later adventures of the team.
This book is dedicated to the men and women, past and present, of the United States Air Force; to the men and women, past and present, of the United States Army; to the men and women, past and present, of the United States Coast Guard; to the men and women, past and present, of the United States Marine Corps; and to the men and women, past and present, of the United States Navy.
Thank you one and all for my continued freedom.
As in past books, thanks to D. Kopp, V. Telman, and B. Murphy for their help in either proofing, editing, or the computer work needed to produce a book. 
When one goes to bed with the devil, one should expect the results of that action.  That applies not only to those sub-human beings known as terrorists, but also to otherwise normal people who come up with screams outside the law that call for aligning themselves with hardened criminals who have no regard for human life.
This is the story of one such man and what he brings upon himself—as well as a few terrorists that meet up with Jim Scott and friends.
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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books (Back To Iraq) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Dear Reader
Jim Scott and friends (now called Janitors—as in they clean up other people’s messes) are back for another kick at the can in Back to Iraq, the second book of the nine-book “Janitor” series.  All the folks who helped Jim and Holly in Baghdad Butcher are back, with a few new additions.  The basic team set-up at the end of Butcher is augmented by a new character.  We also have a briefly mentioned character in this book who will become prominent in later books when he joins the team.
This time around, Jim and team are headed for Iraq within 72 hours of 9/11.  For all of you who enjoyed Butcher and have been making requests (in some cases, repeated requests) for the next book, here it is…Enjoy.
This book is dedicated to my grandson Mark
      Once again, special thanks to D. Kopp, V. Telman, and B. Murphy, for their help getting this book to where it is. 


        For years it was rumored that a secret protocol to the SALT treaties between the United States and Soviet Union called for the banning and destruction of any and all small nuclear devices that were easily carried, thus suitable for terrorist acts.
         This is the story of four such devices, which were never destroyed and made their way from the Soviet Union (or Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union) to an al-Qaida facility within the borders of Iraq.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a great day.
Dear Reader
Baghdad Butcher is the first book of my nine book “Janitors” series.  The team—formed at the end of this book—which does off the books (black bag) jobs directly for the President doesn’t actually pick up the name “Janitors” until the second book.  Most of the main (good guys) characters in all nine books have military backgrounds, with a few still active duty military personnel included.
The time frame of the series runs from approximately nine months prior to the 9/11 Islamic terrorist’s attack, through the next seven plus years.  
This book is dedicated to my lovely wife, Margaret, who has had to put up with my long hours in the basement, typing away on my word processor.  Thanks for putting up with me, Maggie.
Saddam Hussein was long known to have many doubles.  Some even suggest that his famous trip to the front lines during the Iran/Iraq war was in fact accomplished by one of his doubles.  This book, in part, deals with the question of Saddam and his doubles.  A word of caution in reading this novel…one of the conclusions herein may not be fully trusted.  The question of Saddam and his doubles is revisited in my next book, Back To Iraq, and in future books.
While this is a book, and those to follow, are works of fiction, some of the events are based on fact, and many of the characters are based on actual people.  One incident and character are actually based on the event of a real person in the Vietnam War, but moved to Desert Strom for the age factor of the character to fit the time frame herein.
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