Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back to China (Other Books) - Drew and Bear capture local man behind Las Vegas bloody kidnapping.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a standalone book featuring Jim Scott and friends.  While Jim and his three friends were in the air flying toward China in the bomb bay of a B-2, Drew and Bear are in Las Vegas trying to gather more information on the local front…from the man who set up the ambush earlier in the day.   Enjoy and have a great day.


With Jim and his strike team airborne, Drew and Bear were, also…aboard the helicopter that would drop them.  After the helicopter flew around checking the wind—including looking at the various flags flying below—it swooped in over the target building.  By prior agreement, Drew jumped first.  This was done so he wouldn’t have to deal with Bear’s chute, while Bear was trying to gather it in.

In his days with the CIA, Drew was considered one of the best parachutists in the agency.  In fact, there was even a picture of him in the office of SIS.  The picture, taken by the RAF plane that had dropped him and an SIS agent, showed him climbing up his rigging from inside a smoke stack of an abandoned manufacturing building he had intentionally landed in, with his chute catching on the top of the stack.  

The ravages of age had dulled his ability, but he felt he’d have no problem with the jump—especially if he didn’t have to worry about any extra items on the veranda…like a billowing parachute.  He was correct.  He landed without difficulty, and was gathering his chute as Bear landed some ten feet from him.

When both men had their chutes gathered and stowed where they wouldn’t be seen, Drew went to a sliding glass door and tried it.  He shook his head at the stupidity of finding it unlocked.  He whispered to Bear, who was standing right next to him, “Idiot never thought someone might come at him this way.”

Bear just nodded as they entered the lavish apartment of Sammy Lee.  As Bear slid the door shut Drew headed for one of the rooms adjacent to what was obviously the main living room of the unit.  Bear headed for another door, leading from the room.  After they had gone through the entire unit, Drew sighed.  “Your idea was a good one, Bear.  Now all we have to do is wait.”

“Where do you wanna set up, Drew?”

Drew looked around carefully and pointed at a door neither he nor Bear had tried to open.  “That almost surely has to be the way in, as we discussed.  While it would be nice to see what’s on the other side, it may have an alarm system we can’t see—or surely will have cameras between it and the elevator.”

“Hold it, Drew.  I forgot to tell you there is a similar door…in heft, not design…in the kitchen.  Do you think it could be next to a freight elevator?”

“Could be—but I’m betting Mr. Hotshot Casino Owner won’t be coming through it.  But, just on the off chance someone may use it, how about going back into the kitchen and placing a chair in front of it, with something that will break as it falls off the chair when the door bumps into it?”

“Be right back.”

After Bear returned to the front room, the two men looked around again before Drew muttered, “Well, since the doors off this room were all closed, to open one and stand in the doorway probably isn’t too good an idea.  As much as I’d hate to hear the smartass comments of Boris if we did so, I suppose behind the drapes.  You on one end of the sliding door and windows, me on the other.  We only have to avoid being seen for the few seconds it will take Lee and whatever bodyguards he has with him to clear the doorway.”

“We don’t tell anyone where we hid, Drew.  I don’t want to listen to Boris go on about it for the next ten years.”

“Oh, when he gets up here, he’ll look around and make some comment about the only place to lay in wait would be the drapes…then wait for reaction from one of us.”

Bear laughed.  “At least the drapes are opened up most of the way, and there’s a wall partway behind ‘em so no one from one of the other buildings is likely to see us standing there.  Speaking of which, I sure hope no one saw our jump.”

“If they had, we would have had company by now.  We were no doubt helped by the fact the only light on in this entire apartment was the dim one over by the doorway.  But I’m glad you mentioned someone seeing in.  No doubt when they come in, someone will turn on brighter lighting.  You get the end of the drapes with the pull cord.  When we have things in hand, shut the damned drapes.”

Bear chuckled as he walked to one end the opening and found the pull cord.  He looked at Drew and nodded.  “This is my end.  See you later.”

Drew smiled as he walked to the other end and got behind the drapes there.  They waited for the better part of an hour before they heard the door opening.  They both stood still until they heard the door latch sounding, to indicate the door had been shut.  As Drew predicted, one of the two bodyguards with Lee turned on brighter lighting in the room.

Drew and Bear stood out from behind the drapes, within a fraction of a second of one another.  Drew growled, “Freeze or die.”

Neither bodyguard froze as both went for their weapons.  Both died.

As Drew took three fast steps toward Lee, encouraging him to stand still as he did so, Bear hurriedly shut the drapes.  With his free hand, Drew frisked Lee, and on finding no weapon, grabbed him by the silk tie he wore and led him to a chair.  “Sit.”


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