Friday, August 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - FREE for 3 days - Elmer discovers "drunk" is war hero.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, the second book of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer finds out his star witness (a drunk) is a lot more than the mess in front of him.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



NOTE:  Starting tomorrow (and running for three days) this book can be purchased at Amazon’s Kindle Book Store for FREE.  The easy way to find it is go to the below web site, click “Other Books”, then click the link below the book taking you to it at Amazon.


He looked hard at Alan when he said it.  Alan knew what Elmer wanted.  He took the cup carefully, as Elmer had used his fingers inside the cup to slide it.  With the cup in hand, he left the room.  When he returned, he had a new cup for Horace.  He nodded at Elmer, before he left again, while Greg asked a few questions of Horace. 

Alan was gone for nearly twenty minutes before he returned.  He nodded to Elmer again.  Elmer got up.  “Bert, keep Horace company, please.  Greg…a word, please.”

Greg followed Elmer and Alan out of the room.  When the door shut, Alan shook his head.  “You ain’t gonna believe this, El.  Our drunk is a hero.  Full name is Horace Greeley Housmer…Retired Army Special Forces First Sergeant.  Got Medals up the ass…Silver Star, Bronze Star, four Purple Hearts—a bunch of other stuff.  He’s retired…on full pension from the Army.  Not married…seems to never have been.  Not much else.  No record.  How’n the hell did he wind up like this?”

“Who the hell knows?  Greg?”

“In spite of his condition, he sounds real—so does his story.  Which leaves us where?  Work it together—the other two, your deal…me on my three?”

“Yeah—sounds good.  If we catch whoever it was, you can prosecute for your three…we can for our two.  Better chance to avoid goofs by one prosecutor or the other.  Get two kicks at the can…if some judge lets us.”


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