Monday, September 7, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series) - A bit of fun as General Bradley gets a Marine unit to guard fake building project.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series.  General Bradley arranges a Marine unit to guard the fake Sedona Chip site.  Enjoy and have a great day.




General Bradley was still smiling about that exchange when he called Major General Chad Elliot, the Commanding General at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, California.  “Hi, Chad, Ellis Bradley here.  How are things?”

“Just fine, Ellis…you?”

“Great.  Need a favor.  Uh, you on a secure line?”

“Yes.  What’s the favor?”

After telling him the Sedona Chip program was for his ears only, General Bradley explained the entire matter in full detail.  Then he added. “When I said ‘for your ears only,’ I know you’ll call the Commandant.  Please tell him you are sending a small contingent to guard a hush-hush building in Sedona, and let it go at that.”


General Bradley noted the sarcasm in General Elliot’s voice.  “Oh, never mind.  Tell him what you want.”

“Thank you.  How many men do you want?”

“About a dozen.  They’ll need tents, et cetera.  This building site is in the middle of nowhere.”

“Sorta like 29 Palms?”

“Not that bad.”

Both men laughed, then General Eliot asked, “When do you need them?  Oh, before you answer that, do you mind if I have a lady First Lieutenant in charge?”

“Not at all.  As to when, ASAP.”

“Of course.  Thanks for not asking about my lady Marine, but she is a real impressive Marine and has been bugging me, through her superiors, for combat zone assignments.  This’ll give her a taste of command, while I try to find her something in Iraq that won’t put my tit in a wringer.”

“Understood.  When they’re ready, have them drive to Sedona and call either Drew Hollins or Holly Scott, for further directions and instructions.  Your lady Marine is to be told that she is to take orders from them until Jim Scott gets there.”

“Right.  How is Jim these days?”

“Busy.  Other than that, fine.”

“My Marines will leave today.”



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