Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Enjoy and have a great day.


Dear Reader

In this second Bader book, Horace Goes Home, Elmer and friends deal with a case involving six murders committed by members of a Los Angeles organized crime organization.  The crime boss decides to eliminate Elmer along the way.  During the course of the case, a wino is found who witnessed five of the murders, and an old friend from the Janitors and Asps lends a helping hand.  Also in the book, Elmer has to deal with the LAPD Chief of Detectives, who is none too pleased with him.  However, at every turn, Elmer outflanks him.  If nothing else, this book shows that all winos are not created equal. 



To my Dad, a WWII B-17 pilot.  R.I.P. Dad.




Throughout the history of police work, strife within the ranks has been known to exist.  In the case of Elmer and his antagonist, the outcome of their conflict has a surprising end.  Elmer has to deal with this, and those working the case with him labor through many false turns, as often happens while working a case to its conclusion.



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