Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - State police ask Bob for help.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy.  A Missouri State Police Captain seeks Bob’s help tracking down a man who has threatened to kill the Governor.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Bob shook his head, sighed, and looked at Wilbur.  “Okay, fill me in.  Everything you’ve got.  I’ll listen, but make no promises at this juncture.”

“Fair enough.  This guy, Salazar Webster…and don’t ask about the name…don’t have an answer.  Do know ‘Salazar’ and ‘Webster’ don’t seem to fit together, but that’s his real name—as far as we can tell.  Anyhow, he’s got a bone to pick with the Governor for some unknown reason.  Sent a letter saying he was gonna blow…and I quote…‘your stupid head off’…unquote.  We did a bit of investigation and discovered he’s made his feelings about killing the Governor known in a few places.  I’ve got some more material in my car.  Let me run out and get it.  Wasn’t sure you wouldn’t toss me out on my ass before we got to this point, and didn’t want to be carrying my briefcase in my teeth while holding my hands up.”

Bob laughed as Wilbur got up.  He went to his car to retrieve his briefcase, and opened it on returning.  He took out a large map of Missouri, then spread it out on the table and pointed to a red circle.  Bob asked, before Wilbur could speak, “Why did you think I’d throw you out without listening?  Is this someone else’s idea?  Asking me to help, that is?”

Wilbur cleared his throat, thought a second, then answered, “In part, someone else.  One of the Governor’s staffers made the original suggestion you be contacted.  I knew from speaking to Gus about you previously, as it related to the help you gave him, and the man attacking his house you managed to take out, so figured it might not be a bad idea to check you out further.  Talked to Gus…he told me if you didn’t throw me out on my ass, you’d be perfect for the job.”

Bob laughed, “Nice of Gus to advertise I’d throw someone out on his butt just for asking me to help out protecting someone—even a jackass like our Governor.  Go ahead with what you were gonna say before I cut you off.”

Wilbur pointed to the red circle on the map again.  “Webster lives here.  We’ve over-flown the property using infrared and found nothing.  Since we saw the fire-fighting equipment on his list of known possessions, one of my bright young troopers suggested it might block the infrared.  I’m not sure it would, but don’t know.  If it would, any approach to his property would have to be made with great care…like something a SEAL would be able to do, without getting killed.”

“Okay, you get good marks for buttering me up…and yes, the equipment he has would block infrared.”

As he spoke, Bob looked very closely at the map.  Satisfied he had seen enough, he added, “Can see why you want someone with my type of experience to check it out.  That all you want outta me?”

“Well, no.  The Governor has three outdoor events coming up in the near future…which he refuses to cancel.”  While he spoke, Wilbur tossed three pictures on the table, then added, “These are the three locations.”

Bob picked them up.  All three were aerial photos showing the towns where the Governor would be speaking.  On each, Wilbur had marked where the Governor would be standing while delivering his address.  Bob shook his head.  “Why in the hell outside addresses?  Can’t he just have indoor meetings, until you catch this guy?”

“Sure he could, but won’t.  Says he wants to have as many people as possible attend.  These are all small towns…as you can see from the photos.  None of them has anything larger than a gymnasium.  Hate to say anything bad about our wonderful Governor, but he’s a pigheaded ass.”


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