Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Jim and Bob come with plan that may help track down kidnapper.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Jim Scott, helping Bob Becker track a man who kidnapped two young co-eds in Missouri, comes up with a plan that, while a longshot, might discover where he’s headed with the girls.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



While Holly was taking care of her tasks, Jim was busy researching Biden’s credit card history, concentrating on gasoline purchases in Columbia.  He had already found out the model of the car Biden owned, and had found out the presumed mileage of the vehicle.  After pulling all his filling station charges, he put his main computer to work, using his laptop.  While the program on gas charges was running, he checked on the mileage to be expected from the type of panel truck he was thought (correctly) to be driving.

When the gas consumption was computed with the frequency of filling station visits, the computer estimated that Biden, on average, filled up when half empty.  Using that data, Jim started another program on the computer to estimate where he might have bought gas on his trip to Spokane, with Columbia as a starting point.  When the program completed its findings, Jim carefully drew a circle around each stop the computer predicted Biden would make for gas. The circles were big enough to cover a twenty-mile stretch of the expected route Biden would take.

Finished, Jim and Bob went over what he’d come up with.  Bob looked at Jim.  “You think this might work?”

“Yeah, it’s possible.  Worth following up on.”

As he spoke, Jim called Dan, who answered, “Hi, Jim.  How’re you doing?”

“Good…how goes things with you and Jan?”

“We’re finding out a bunch of interesting information.  But not a bit of it will help us find Clay or Ashley.”

“Well, at Bob’s suggestion, I’ve been working on a long-shot deal to maybe help us.  You feel like giving up what you’re doing to start backtracking this bozo Biden, to see if we’re on the right track?”

“Sure.  I’ve a feeling we’re just spending time accomplishing nothing here.  What do you have in mind?”

Jim told him about the work he’d just finished, then asked, “You feel like flying into Columbia, then start driving the presumed route Biden will take if we’re on the right track?  Want you to see if you can find out where he’s buying gas…make that bought gas…on his trip if he is, in fact, headed to Spokane.”

“Okay.  We’ll get in the air shortly.  Send me what you’ve got.  By the time we land, I should have a pretty good idea of how to go about this deal.”


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