Friday, August 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - A drunk lady is mad as hell.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a standalone action/adventure novel introducing new character Clyde Feegle.  Jo Kelly is well drunk for the first (and only time) in her life due to anger at being betrayed by someone she thought was a friend.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



         After he put his socks and shoes on, Clyde put on his shoulder holster, before he helped Jo dress.  As they started to leave the room, Jo noticed Clyde’s shoulder holster, and got her gun out of the hidden holster in her purse.  Clyde didn’t notice because he was already opening the door.

         But as soon as they got downstairs, Glenn sure noticed the gun.

         Before he could inquire, Jo—who had seen the other three had on shoulder holsters, also—asked, “Anybody got another of those neat shoulder holsters around?”

        Glenn asked, “Where in the hell did that gun come from?”

        “I keep it in my purse, silly.”

        Glenn glared at Clyde, before he asked, “Jo, have you been bringing that gun into CIA Headquarters?”

        “Yup, sir—I sure have.  Got a neat little holster in my purse.”

        Clyde just ran his hand down his face before he tried to take the gun from Jo.  “Nope, sir—you ain’t getting my gat.  I’m gonna blow his balls off with it.”

        Clyde snatched the gun and growled, “Maybe if you drink about a gallon of coffee and sleep all the way there, I’ll think about giving this back to you.”

        In the kitchen, everyone—including the objecting Jo, who insisted she didn’t need any—drank a cup of coffee.  Candi put the rest in a thermos—exclusively for Jo.

        Floyd hadn’t even bothered to question Glenn on the advisability of the CIA Director going on such a mission—especially one strictly illegal on several levels.  But he did insist on driving. 

       When Jo blurted out, “Shotgun,” Clyde just steered her into the back. 


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