Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Baghdad Butcher (Janitors Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors series.  Enjoy and have a great day.
Dear Reader
Baghdad Butcher is the first book of my nine book “Janitors” series.  The team—formed at the end of this book—which does off the books (black bag) jobs directly for the President doesn’t actually pick up the name “Janitors” until the second book.  Most of the main (good guys) characters in all nine books have military backgrounds, with a few still active duty military personnel included.
The time frame of the series runs from approximately nine months prior to the 9/11 Islamic terrorist’s attack, through the next seven plus years.  
This book is dedicated to my lovely wife, Margaret, who has had to put up with my long hours in the basement, typing away on my word processor.  Thanks for putting up with me, Maggie.
Saddam Hussein was long known to have many doubles.  Some even suggest that his famous trip to the front lines during the Iran/Iraq war was in fact accomplished by one of his doubles.  This book, in part, deals with the question of Saddam and his doubles.  A word of caution in reading this novel…one of the conclusions herein may not be fully trusted.  The question of Saddam and his doubles is revisited in my next book, Back To Iraq, and in future books.
While this is a book, and those to follow, are works of fiction, some of the events are based on fact, and many of the characters are based on actual people.  One incident and character are actually based on the event of a real person in the Vietnam War, but moved to Desert Strom for the age factor of the character to fit the time frame herein.
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