Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Jim and Bob come with plan that may help track down kidnapper.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Jim Scott, helping Bob Becker track a man who kidnapped two young co-eds in Missouri, comes up with a plan that, while a longshot, might discover where he’s headed with the girls.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



While Holly was taking care of her tasks, Jim was busy researching Biden’s credit card history, concentrating on gasoline purchases in Columbia.  He had already found out the model of the car Biden owned, and had found out the presumed mileage of the vehicle.  After pulling all his filling station charges, he put his main computer to work, using his laptop.  While the program on gas charges was running, he checked on the mileage to be expected from the type of panel truck he was thought (correctly) to be driving.

When the gas consumption was computed with the frequency of filling station visits, the computer estimated that Biden, on average, filled up when half empty.  Using that data, Jim started another program on the computer to estimate where he might have bought gas on his trip to Spokane, with Columbia as a starting point.  When the program completed its findings, Jim carefully drew a circle around each stop the computer predicted Biden would make for gas. The circles were big enough to cover a twenty-mile stretch of the expected route Biden would take.

Finished, Jim and Bob went over what he’d come up with.  Bob looked at Jim.  “You think this might work?”

“Yeah, it’s possible.  Worth following up on.”

As he spoke, Jim called Dan, who answered, “Hi, Jim.  How’re you doing?”

“Good…how goes things with you and Jan?”

“We’re finding out a bunch of interesting information.  But not a bit of it will help us find Clay or Ashley.”

“Well, at Bob’s suggestion, I’ve been working on a long-shot deal to maybe help us.  You feel like giving up what you’re doing to start backtracking this bozo Biden, to see if we’re on the right track?”

“Sure.  I’ve a feeling we’re just spending time accomplishing nothing here.  What do you have in mind?”

Jim told him about the work he’d just finished, then asked, “You feel like flying into Columbia, then start driving the presumed route Biden will take if we’re on the right track?  Want you to see if you can find out where he’s buying gas…make that bought gas…on his trip if he is, in fact, headed to Spokane.”

“Okay.  We’ll get in the air shortly.  Send me what you’ve got.  By the time we land, I should have a pretty good idea of how to go about this deal.”


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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - State police ask Bob for help.

Today’s excerpt is from Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy.  A Missouri State Police Captain seeks Bob’s help tracking down a man who has threatened to kill the Governor.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Bob shook his head, sighed, and looked at Wilbur.  “Okay, fill me in.  Everything you’ve got.  I’ll listen, but make no promises at this juncture.”

“Fair enough.  This guy, Salazar Webster…and don’t ask about the name…don’t have an answer.  Do know ‘Salazar’ and ‘Webster’ don’t seem to fit together, but that’s his real name—as far as we can tell.  Anyhow, he’s got a bone to pick with the Governor for some unknown reason.  Sent a letter saying he was gonna blow…and I quote…‘your stupid head off’…unquote.  We did a bit of investigation and discovered he’s made his feelings about killing the Governor known in a few places.  I’ve got some more material in my car.  Let me run out and get it.  Wasn’t sure you wouldn’t toss me out on my ass before we got to this point, and didn’t want to be carrying my briefcase in my teeth while holding my hands up.”

Bob laughed as Wilbur got up.  He went to his car to retrieve his briefcase, and opened it on returning.  He took out a large map of Missouri, then spread it out on the table and pointed to a red circle.  Bob asked, before Wilbur could speak, “Why did you think I’d throw you out without listening?  Is this someone else’s idea?  Asking me to help, that is?”

Wilbur cleared his throat, thought a second, then answered, “In part, someone else.  One of the Governor’s staffers made the original suggestion you be contacted.  I knew from speaking to Gus about you previously, as it related to the help you gave him, and the man attacking his house you managed to take out, so figured it might not be a bad idea to check you out further.  Talked to Gus…he told me if you didn’t throw me out on my ass, you’d be perfect for the job.”

Bob laughed, “Nice of Gus to advertise I’d throw someone out on his butt just for asking me to help out protecting someone—even a jackass like our Governor.  Go ahead with what you were gonna say before I cut you off.”

Wilbur pointed to the red circle on the map again.  “Webster lives here.  We’ve over-flown the property using infrared and found nothing.  Since we saw the fire-fighting equipment on his list of known possessions, one of my bright young troopers suggested it might block the infrared.  I’m not sure it would, but don’t know.  If it would, any approach to his property would have to be made with great care…like something a SEAL would be able to do, without getting killed.”

“Okay, you get good marks for buttering me up…and yes, the equipment he has would block infrared.”

As he spoke, Bob looked very closely at the map.  Satisfied he had seen enough, he added, “Can see why you want someone with my type of experience to check it out.  That all you want outta me?”

“Well, no.  The Governor has three outdoor events coming up in the near future…which he refuses to cancel.”  While he spoke, Wilbur tossed three pictures on the table, then added, “These are the three locations.”

Bob picked them up.  All three were aerial photos showing the towns where the Governor would be speaking.  On each, Wilbur had marked where the Governor would be standing while delivering his address.  Bob shook his head.  “Why in the hell outside addresses?  Can’t he just have indoor meetings, until you catch this guy?”

“Sure he could, but won’t.  Says he wants to have as many people as possible attend.  These are all small towns…as you can see from the photos.  None of them has anything larger than a gymnasium.  Hate to say anything bad about our wonderful Governor, but he’s a pigheaded ass.”


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Monday, September 28, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Escape From Mexico (More Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Escape From Mexico.  Clyde Feegle returns and

gets some help from old friends from earlier books.  Enjoy and have a great day.


Dear Reader


Three characters introduced in Monster’s Palace—Clyde Feegle, Josephine (Jo) Kelly, and Mitch Melosi—return in this book.  Clyde becomes a partner in Bob Becker and Bill Hedden’s detective/protection agency.  He and Jo move into a new home, constructed for them on Bob’s estate. 

The three partners get into a shootout with members of a drug cartel, intent on killing a St. Charles, Missouri judge.  The cartel then adds the three men to their hit list.  This—and the arrest of Mitch Melosi’s sister, after she tries to enter Nogales, Mexico with a load of weapons in the trunk of her rental car—soon see Jim and Holly Scott lending a hand.  Some of Hector Garcia’s men also enter the fray.

Also in this book we deal with the growing concern in law enforcement circles of the illegal use of drones that will only get worse in the years ahead…in this case involving Air Force One. 



To David Cervantes




Mexico seems intent on arresting U.S. citizens who obviously are not actually trying to import weapons into their country, and running them through their laughable justice system.  This story touches on that situation, and also on Mexico’s inability to stem the flow of drugs into the U.S., by taking down the large drug cartels in their midst.  Let us hope our next President has the backbone to deal with this situation.   


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Friday, September 25, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Monster’s Palace, introduces a new here, Clyde Feegle, who get some help from old friends from earlier books.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.


Dear Reader

Monster’s Palace introduces a new hero, Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Clyde Feegle, a Navy SEAL.  Clyde and two other military personnel (one Army, one Marine) form a unit working with the CIA, to find and eliminate al-Qaida (and other terrorists) trying to get more involved in the international drugs trade.  They zero in on one very large international drug operation, with no idea who is running the operation.  Their efforts to discover the leader of the drug ring are interrupted at times with other missions.   Their task is also complicated by attempts on Clyde’s life, authorized by an irate second in command of the drug group, who loses a relative in the first operation of the book.  For readers of my other books, there are also some old friends lending a hand.



To Ken Skaggs 



The seeking of forbidden fruit often leads to adverse outcomes, as is the case in this book.  The leaders of the international drug operation in this book venture far afield from the norm, with tragic results, and their depravity ultimately causes them much pain.  Meanwhile, some of those working to dethrone those leaders have their own awkward relationships, but one out-of-left-field relationship just happens…with a happy ending. 


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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Back To China (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Back To China, a new Jim Scott novel.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.

Dear Reader

I’ve had requests for another Jim Scott book, because some readers evidently weren’t satisfied with the help he gave Bob Becker in Bigfoot Bait or Pool Of Blood.  So here is the requested book.  In it, the new President asks Jim to help retrieve two topflight physicists from China, where they were taken after the Chinese kidnapped them in a bloody shootout on the streets of Las Vegas.  The President is made aware of Jim’s capabilities by Tony Henry, now Sir Anthony, and SIS (MI6) Chief.  A previous President, who had served during the time the Janitors were together, happens to be visiting the White House at the time.  He also endorses Jim as the man for the job.

A side issue in the book is the matter of a Chinese team bent on assassinating the new President.


President George W. Bush, the best of my lifetime.



When I was just a young lad, the thought of flying at the speed of sound was unheard of.  Yet lo and behold, we now have planes flying at much faster speeds.  Therefore, reaching the speed of light should not be written off as impossible.  While the sci-fi folks have come up with ideas like portals, et cetera, for mankind to travel to the stars, in reality it will have to be done faster than the speed of light flight, to accomplish the job.  Perhaps such speed is being worked on at Groom Lake (Area 51).  If so, I am well-satisfied we don’t know about it.  I also hope no one in Washington, D.C. knows about it either, since no one there seems capable of keeping their mouths closed about our technological breakthroughs. 

This is the story of a couple of guys who are working on that very project…in Area 51.  


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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Pool Of Blood (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Enjoy and have a great day.

Dear Reader

Pool Of Blood is the third and final book of the Becker Trilogy.  In this book, Bob Becker, his wife Michelle, and some other help, try to right a wrong.  A man is convicted of murder due to having stepped into a pool of blood near the body of a murdered woman, whom he had been arguing with only hours before she was killed.  During his investigation, Bob also deals with someone trying to kill Michelle.  The case of the man wrongly convicted leads Bob to Australia, where he is assisted by old friend, now-Colonel Walter Kilgorie, an ASIS Agent, and others…including Jim and Holly Scott.



To Tom, the new a/c and furnace are working fine…thanks.




No matter how smart a criminal may be, his misdeeds almost always catch up with him.  In this story, six bad guys have to face their crimes in various ways.  One somehow manages to escape the justice he probably deserves, while another gets more than he might have bargained for.  This case takes Jim and Holly Scott, and Bob Becker from Missouri to France, then on to Australia.  During the Australian portion of the trip, Hector Garcia joins them.  The four also make a stop at the Solomon Islands—where the three Marines visit the sands of Guadalcanal, to pay homage to the Marines who died there.


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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bigfoot Bait (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.

Dear Reader

In this the second book of the Becker Trilogy, Bigfoot Bait, Bob gets a case to work on involving the kidnapping of two coeds from the university in Columbia, Missouri, where his friend Wilbur Holder is Chief of the Campus Police.  During the case, Dan and Janet Orf deal with a similar case from the university in Berkeley, California, where another young lady has been kidnapped.  In the process of the two investigations, it is discovered they may be intertwined.  For readers of the Janitor and Asps series, I hope you’ll be happy to discover Jim and Holly Scott getting involved, along with Hector Garcia.  For those who haven’t read those two nine-book series, please visit: for a reviews of those books.

Also in this book, “Crazy” Salazar Webster makes a return visit, leading to the discovery of the gun-running biker gang that Bob and Wilbur helped round up in Too Many Women.   Apparently the gang isn’t finished just yet.

While the base premise of the story may seem a bit “out there,” it is done with tongue in cheek, as I take a shot at loopy professors in general, and at the many folks making fortunes out of “Bigfoot” hunting.  With all the modern equipment available, if Bigfoot (by whatever name) is real, there should be a nice video of him and his family by now.

Special note to the citizens of Entiat, Washington:  I took a few liberties (literary license) with the facilities of your lovely town.  Hope you’ll forgive me (please see below). 



To the Citizens of Entiat, Washington



While I’m ambivalent as to the reality of “Bigfoot”—even if I do find the subject a bit interesting—many people do believe Bigfoot exists.  This, in part, is the story of two such men who reside (in their minds) in the entitlement class.  Bob Becker and friends feel those two have stepped way across the line of proper conduct—and do something about it—with a bit of help from surprising sources.


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Monday, September 21, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Too Many Women (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Too Many Women, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.


Dear Reader

Too Many Women introduces a new hero, Bob Becker.  In this novel Bob sets about saving a woman from her husband, who she witnessed killing another woman.  The woman he is trying to protect feels secure—too secure at one point—that he will keep her alive, as well as solve her problem with her husband.  Here faith is partially due to the help Bob asks for and receives…from some old friends found in previous books.  Along the way of the book, Bob gets involved with another matter, which becomes one of two sub stories.



“Goose” and Justin K.



Sometimes, to quote old friend Tony Henry…evildoers—no matter how successful in their pursuits—can become “too cute by half.”  Such is the case with the head evildoer in this novel.  As the song goes, sometimes “you gotta know when to hold ‘em, and when to fold ‘em.”  The bad guy in this book would have been better off singing, rather than going after his wife while she was in the care of Bob Becker.


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Friday, September 18, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Ancient Rookie (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Ancient Rookie, a stand-alone sports-fantasy novel.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Dear Reader


This book originally started out as the sixth book in the “Asps” series.  But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.  It became a stand-alone Sports-Fantasy novel.  When finished, I realized that rather than an action/adventure book with a sports substory, it was a sports-fantasy book with an action/adventure substory.  So I rewrote it as an action/adventure book, re-titled Bullets And Baseball, which is now the sixth book of the “Asps” series.  In this version Ancient Rookie, much attention is given to bionics, as well as baseball.  There is also a bit of humorous intrigue late in the book.  I sincerely hope the reader has as much fun reading this as I had writing it.



To Stan the Man

Thanks for the memories, R.I.P.



In recent years, there have been many advances in the field of bionics.  Coupling that with my love of baseball, (with a bit of action/adventure tossed in), you are now offered this novel.  I was interested to note the recent news blurb regarding a breakthrough in bionic eyes, since we have one in this book—along with portions of an arm, and a mostly new bionic wrist. 



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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other books, and More Books - How 'bout Both (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.


Dear Reader


In this third and final Bader book, How ‘bout Both, Elmer and friends deal with a case involving domestic terrorism.  Elmer runs into several obstacles along the way, including many attempts on his life.  Old friend Hector Garcia lends a helping hand as do FBI Special Agent Homer Spradling, NCIS Special Agent Greg Noonan, and others.  Both Elmer and his new partner Maine Bobbitt are injured in a terrorist car bomb explosion, while they save many lives through their efforts.  Identifying and capturing the car bomber becomes almost secondary to proving a case against the suspected head of several militant Islamist cells in the Los Angeles area.  




To Lisa (Jacob married well)



One of the banes of law enforcement in America is home-grown Islamist terrorism.  This is especially true when the home-growns are aided with funds and training from afar.  This book deals with a Muslim cleric intent on causing as much damage and fear as possible with various acts of terrorism.  His number on henchman takes a personal dislike to Elmer Bader and his TV news reporter friend, Helen Bledsoe. 


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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Horace Goes Home (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Enjoy and have a great day.


Dear Reader

In this second Bader book, Horace Goes Home, Elmer and friends deal with a case involving six murders committed by members of a Los Angeles organized crime organization.  The crime boss decides to eliminate Elmer along the way.  During the course of the case, a wino is found who witnessed five of the murders, and an old friend from the Janitors and Asps lends a helping hand.  Also in the book, Elmer has to deal with the LAPD Chief of Detectives, who is none too pleased with him.  However, at every turn, Elmer outflanks him.  If nothing else, this book shows that all winos are not created equal. 



To my Dad, a WWII B-17 pilot.  R.I.P. Dad.




Throughout the history of police work, strife within the ranks has been known to exist.  In the case of Elmer and his antagonist, the outcome of their conflict has a surprising end.  Elmer has to deal with this, and those working the case with him labor through many false turns, as often happens while working a case to its conclusion.



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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Otrher Books, and More Books - Whodunit Did It (Other Books) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.



Dear Reader


Whodunit Did It is the first book of the Bader trilogy.  These three books will feature LAPD Homicide Detective Elmer Bader.  In this one, Elmer and friends work to find a ruthless killer/thief who enjoys killing as well as stealing.  He is actually quite good at his chosen profession, having gone years without being brought to justice.  Good, hard police work to track him down is interspersed with the lives of those chasing him—including, but not limited to, Elmer’s humorous, sexually charged romance with one of his three ex-wives, and his efforts to play “Cupid.”  Unlike my previous books, this one—while having a few former military men—does not focus on military folks.  Hope the readers of the Janitors and Asps series will still find it entertaining.




To Jacob—thanks for all your help.





A bad guy may be smart.  A bad guy may be good at what he does.  A bad guy may be very careful to leave no trace of himself behind at crime scenes.  But even this bad guy—street named ‘Whodunit’ (without his knowledge) by an associate—can be tracked down with good police work.  A piece of evidence he had no idea would ever be discovered is discovered.  But does his escape plan work?


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Monday, September 14, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Adios, Amigos (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader Page from Adios, Amigos, the last book of the nine-book Asps Series.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.



Dear Reader

Adios, Amigos is the ninth and final book in the Asps series.  It is also the last of the Jim Scott books—though Jim may return in future books, even if by inference.  In this book, the members of the team, knowing the end of their time together is drawing near, start making plans for their futures.  During the course of the book, Drew and Boris head off to Bolivia on a tip, while the Asps and their British friends take on a mission to Somalia.  While in Somalia, they unearth information leading them to Afghanistan, because of the information obtained.   Intelligence gathered in Afghanistan leads them to Bolivia, seeking a terrorist they learn of in Afghanistan.  Their continuing mission coincides with what Drew and Boris have been up to.  At the conclusion, there is a two-series (Janitors and Asps) Epilog. 



To Dr. “Joe”



Even with the days dwindling before the team is disbanded, they manage to find plenty to do.  Though they do have one member leaving the team early on—while acquiring another member of the plane crew—quite a bit is accomplished…including dealing with information about a major al-Qaida offensive planned for the United States. 


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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Father Mulligan (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.


Dear Reader


Father Mulligan is the eighth and next to last book of the Asps series.  After the Asps finish with a mission in Zambia, they head back to Montana.  On the way they are asked to divert to the Cayman Islands.  Jim and Holly are aboard the C-130 with them.  This leads to the first attempt on Jim’s life in this novel.  The team also gets involved trying to thwart a terrorist attack in America, even though it is far outside their purview and well against the law to do so since they are CIA and Military.  In the process, the two situations intermingle, while the FBI tries to investigate Jim.  Other problems are uncovered along the way…and dealt with…harshly.  Also, during the course of the book, Holly has to deal with a dream she had, which leads to an eerie meeting.




Best wishes to UNLV 2013 Graduating Class

Especially a certain History major.



One would think given fair warning not to mess with someone—especially someone like Jim Scott—it might be a good idea to take ones losses and lick ones wounds.  In this novel, a warning given is ignored, leading to a cascade of events.  No matter how smart, how rich, and how ruthless a person can be…there is always someone who is smarter, richer, and, when prodded, even more ruthless.  In this book, Jim Scott is prodded…while Holly deals with a dream she had. 


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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Billy's Rescue (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day.




Dear Reader


In this book, Billy’s Rescue, the seventh book of the Asps series, Billy Garcia is taken captive by an Islamist group, intent on questioning him.  Once away from that group, Billy is kidnapped by a press-gang type operation of Taliban and al-Qaida “recruiters” inside Afghanistan.  In both cases, pity the terrorists, because they know not what they have done, nor what they let themselves in for.  While Billy is dealing with his problems, the rest of the Asps, the Scotts, and friends deal with tracking down CIA traitors, who had been recommended to the CIA by the White House.  With al-Qaida intent on setting up a drug operation in Colombia, the team once again visits that country, to thwart the Islamists.  Also in this book, a very rich liberal supporter of the President gets crossways with Jim Scott—never a good idea.     




SEAL Team 6 – Thanks for all you do, fellas



In this book, the team and friends twice have to divert from their other engagements to “rescue” Billy Garcia, from Islamists holding him.  Some should have been trying to rescue the terrorists instead.  The back story of this book—outside of dealing with the international Islamist problem—concerns how an evil liberal individual nearly causes great embarrassment to the President—and dumps a major problem in the lap of the new Director of the CIA, who previously wasn’t too sure just how good an idea the Asps really were.


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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Bullets And Baseball (Asps Series) - Dear Reader page.

Today’s excerpt is the Dear Reader page from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day.




Dear Reader


Bullets And Baseball is the sixth book of the “Asps” series.  As a possible matter of interest, this book is actually a re-write of a book to be released at a later date, which is titled Ancient Rookie.  That book started out to be the sixth book of the “Asps” series, but along the way in writing it, your idiotic author fell in love with the characters in the substory, involving an old man who loses an arm in an auto accident and his arm is rebuilt with bionic elements.  By the end of the book, it had become a sports fantasy novel, even though it did have action/adventure elements.  This book, Bullets And Baseball, is an action/adventure novel, with sports-fantasy elements.   If this is confusing to you, guess how it was for me.  I hope you’ll give both a try. 





To the men and women of both SIS (MI6) and SAS.




One of the key elements of successful Military operations can often be a matter of trust between those conducting the operation.  This even includes when forces of different nations work together—maybe especially then.  If you have read other “Asps” series books, you know the Asps often work with British SIS and SAS, as they do in this book, with continued good results.



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Monday, September 7, 2015

Latest from the Janitors, Asps, Other Books, and More Books - Sedona Chip (Janitors Series) - A bit of fun as General Bradley gets a Marine unit to guard fake building project.

Today’s excerpt is from Sedona Chip, Book #9 of the Janitors Series.  General Bradley arranges a Marine unit to guard the fake Sedona Chip site.  Enjoy and have a great day.




General Bradley was still smiling about that exchange when he called Major General Chad Elliot, the Commanding General at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, California.  “Hi, Chad, Ellis Bradley here.  How are things?”

“Just fine, Ellis…you?”

“Great.  Need a favor.  Uh, you on a secure line?”

“Yes.  What’s the favor?”

After telling him the Sedona Chip program was for his ears only, General Bradley explained the entire matter in full detail.  Then he added. “When I said ‘for your ears only,’ I know you’ll call the Commandant.  Please tell him you are sending a small contingent to guard a hush-hush building in Sedona, and let it go at that.”


General Bradley noted the sarcasm in General Elliot’s voice.  “Oh, never mind.  Tell him what you want.”

“Thank you.  How many men do you want?”

“About a dozen.  They’ll need tents, et cetera.  This building site is in the middle of nowhere.”

“Sorta like 29 Palms?”

“Not that bad.”

Both men laughed, then General Eliot asked, “When do you need them?  Oh, before you answer that, do you mind if I have a lady First Lieutenant in charge?”

“Not at all.  As to when, ASAP.”

“Of course.  Thanks for not asking about my lady Marine, but she is a real impressive Marine and has been bugging me, through her superiors, for combat zone assignments.  This’ll give her a taste of command, while I try to find her something in Iraq that won’t put my tit in a wringer.”

“Understood.  When they’re ready, have them drive to Sedona and call either Drew Hollins or Holly Scott, for further directions and instructions.  Your lady Marine is to be told that she is to take orders from them until Jim Scott gets there.”

“Right.  How is Jim these days?”

“Busy.  Other than that, fine.”

“My Marines will leave today.”



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