Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Dog Pound, Book #3 of the Janitors Series - Bad guy goes to work on plot.

Today’s excerpt is from Dog Pound, Book #3 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Finding out the kidnapping had been successful, Lloyd Wallace puts more of the plot into motion.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 
After taking a deep breath, Lloyd called the police and asked for Sergeant Mark Yomo, the policeman who had called him earlier.  When he had Sergeant Yomo on the line, he nearly whispered, “I’m afraid your suspicion that Miss Lane had been kidnapped was correct.  I just received a ransom call.  They want five million dollars.” 
Detective Sergeant Yomo sat up in his chair.  “I’ll be right over.  It’s best you stay in your room for now, in case they call back.  Do I have your permission to tap your phone?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Please give me your cell phone number, and we’ll tap it as well.”
Lloyd did as asked, then hung up.  His next steps were already planned.  He called Abe Finefield, the head of Gibbon Studios, who were due to start shooting the new Billie Jo Lane film in less than three months.  “Abe, this is Lloyd Wallace.”
“Do you know what time it is?”
“Sorry, Abe.  I’m calling from Hawaii.  Billie Jo has been kidnapped.”
Abe Finefield sat bolt upright in his bed and screamed, “What!  Kidnapped?  How?”
 “I don’t have all the details yet, but I have received a ransom call demanding five million dollars.  Billie Jo doesn’t have that much in liquid assets at this time—maybe half, if I scramble.  Can I count on you for help on that front?”
“Hell, yes!  We’ve got to get her back.  Have you contacted the police and FBI?”
“Just the police.  They contacted me before the kidnappers did.  When they called, they weren’t sure she’d been kidnapped, but the ransom call to me verified she had.”
“I think the FBI should be contacted at once.”
“I agree.  As soon as I hang up with you, I’ll call them.”
“Good, get to it.  How do I contact you?”
“I’m at the Hawaiian Sunset, room 1472.”
“Thanks.  I’ll be in touch.”
After hanging up with Abe, Lloyd called the local FBI office.  When he had someone on the line he swallowed. “Hello, this is Lloyd Wallace, the manager for Billie Jo Lane.  She’s been kidnapped, with a ransom of five million dollars demanded for her safe return.”
The voice on the line replied, “Just a moment, sir.”
Soon thereafter a voice came on the line.  “Hello, I’m Special Agent Justin Morehead.  May I be of service?”
“Yes, sir.  I’m Lloyd Wallace, Billie Jo Lane’s manager.  She has been kidnapped and I received a ransom demand.”
“Have the local authorities been contacted?”
“In cases like this, they have jurisdiction unless we have reason to believe that Miss Lane has been transported across state lines.  There’s little we can do except advise and be of any assistance the local authorities may request.”
“A Sergeant Yomo is on his way to see me right now.  Could you possibly stop by also, at my request?  I’m at the Hawaiian Sunset, room 1472.”
“Yes, very well.  I’ll come right over.”
“Thank you.”
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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series - Close call in Iraq.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The Janitors get out of the al-Qaida facility they have raided inside Iraq just in time.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Holly, sitting in the Humvee outside the opening into the communication pod with Hector and her father, wondered just how close Jim was going to play it.  “A few minutes” off of ten didn’t leave much room for error.

Finally, Jim was done and he grabbed the computer tower from the unit he had been using and ran for the Humvee.  As he got in, he handed the tower to Drew, started the engine, and drove to the end of the corridor, where Hector told him to stop.  Hector leaned out the door, fired a shot at the gunpowder (which ignited it), and closed the door.  “Let’s make tracks.”

Jim swung around the Humvee in front of him and headed northwest, away from the complex.  Billy, driving the other Humvee, followed close behind.  As they drove away with as much speed as possible, Jim keyed the radio.  “Robber here, Cop One.  How are things looking?  Over.”

Cop One could see the Humvees speeding away and could also see the approaching Iraqi force.  The closeness of their departure to being caught had him almost holding his breath.  He replied, “In about another minute, I have to go get a drink for this bird.  Your heading looks fine to me.  Over.”

“Roger.  Thanks.  Out.”

“You cut that a little close, husband.”

Jim smiled and replied, “A minute is better than thirty seconds.  By the way, what about your boat?”

Holly grinned.  “Thought you’d never ask.  Went on by.” 

The Iraqi force was close enough to see the Humvees depart, but they didn’t have enough speed to catch up.  The force commander was trying to figure out his next move when the earth erupted just in front of him.  Debris from the mammoth explosion rained down on his column.  By the time things settled down, the Humvees were out of sight.

In the Humvees, the Janitors felt the shock wave of the explosion but were unimpeded by it and drove on.  The Humvees had been equipped, in addition to the radio link to their cover, with a secure communication link with Big Brother, the AWACS plane also flying overhead.

Jim now used that link.  “Big Brother, this is Robber.  I need to be patched through to the White House, General Bradley, ASAP.  Tell him Fox One is calling.  Over.”


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Monday, March 6, 2017

Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the Janitors Series - Mob lawyer about to pay for his sins.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Having gotten the attention of the mob lawyer, Jim is ready to question him.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 
Leaving Hector behind, Jim and Holly went into Wallace Greenberg’s office building.  Using the phony names Holly had given Greenberg, and he gave the night guard, they signed in and took the elevator up to Greenberg’s floor.  They found his office and went in.  There was only one dim light on in the outer office, but an open door, with bright light shining, led them to Greenberg’s inner office. 
As they reached the door, Jim held his hand back to stall Holly, and entered the office with the silenced Walther drawn.  Greenberg was a heavyset man with a receding hairline.  His office was opulent and one wall was covered almost entirely in mirror.  Upon seeing the gun, he started to say something, but Jim interrupted him.  “Up, fatso.  Don’t say anything until I tell you to.  Just walk around your desk and sit down in front of it.”
Greenberg, sweat starting to bead on his head, stood, glanced at the mirror, and did as he was told.  When he was sitting down on the floor in front of his desk, Jim growled, “Okay, here’s the drill.  I’m going to ask you some questions.  You are going to give me some correct answers, and we’ll go on from there.  First question, those three drug dealers that you represent who got all shot up…who set up the retainer for them?”
Greenberg swallowed, glanced at the mirror.  “I can’t tell you that.  That’s privileged information.”
“You see this gun?”
“With this gun, I am going to blow your kneecap off…for starters.  Do you understand?”
Greenberg looked at the gun, at Jim’s set jaw, and had no doubt whatsoever that doing anything other than what this man wanted would result in death…or worse.  “Yes.  Mr. Gomez, one of the men who was so viciously shot, came into my office some six or eight months ago and placed a large retainer with me.”
“How much?”
Greenberg thought about lying, but changed his mind.  He again glanced at the mirror.  “Half a million.  Cash.”
Jim had noticed the third glance at the mirror and, on a hunch, turned partway to it and fired three silenced shots.  The mirror came crashing down to reveal a video camera and an open cabinet with several videos stored in it.  Looking back at Greenberg, he shook his head.  “You’re a very naughty boy.”
Jim walked over to the video camera, sure that Greenberg would make no move.  When he got to the machine, he turned it off and pulled out the tape.  Then he put the tape in a VCR and watched as the TV screen near it began showing his entrance and all that had happened up until the time he turned off the machine.
To satisfy his curiosity—and to verify that the library of tapes was what he thought it was—he pulled one of the tapes at random and put it into the VCR.  Turning up the sound a bit, he heard and saw one very notorious gangster in conference with Greenberg.  During the course of the conversation, the gangster made several very incriminating statements, sometimes at the urging of Greenberg.
Jim hit the ‘stop’ button, and smiled as he turned around.  “Oh, you are a very, very naughty boy.  But I will say this for your little set-up…it sure is going to make dealing with you a good deal easier.”
Sweat now running down his face, Greenberg asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean that when I leave here tonight, these tapes are going with me.  And everyone on them will get a copy of his portion of the tapes within twenty-four hours.  But before that happens, you are going to tell me everything I want to know, and tell me promptly.  You will have a very hard time running far with your knee caps blown off.”
Greenberg just sagged, knowing he was a beaten man, that he was going to do exactly as told, and would answer all questions accurately and honestly.   “I’ll do anything you say—just don’t release those tapes, please.”
“You weren’t listening.  The tapes will be released, no matter what you do.” 
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Friday, March 3, 2017

Assassin I Am - (More Books) - Trouble in ISIS run mosque.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a stand alone book featuring new character Fred Dupree, along with Jim Scott and friends.  Fred and Rosemary run into trouble while taking down an ISIS mosque.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Fred went forward to make certain they were dead, with Rosemary walking next to him.  Finding no pulse on either, Fred checked his phone, just as Hector warned, “You got company headed your way.”

Fred didn’t reply, just showed the screen of his phone to Rosemary and pointed to the right.  The screen showed two men to the right of them, headed in their direction, and two coming toward them from the left of the large room they were now standing in front of.  Rosemary nodded and walked toward where the two men to her side were likely to show up shortly.  Fred did the same to the right. 

Rosemary spotted her two an instant before they spotted her.  She shot one and, before the other could react, she fired another killing shot.  Fred did nearly as well, except he was seen at the same time he saw his two targets.  One was raising his weapon as Fred shot him, but the other one shouted before Fred’s second shot ended the shout, and he ordered, “Reload.”

Rosemary ejected the partially emptied clip in her weapon, put it in the utility pocket of the new pants Fred had thought to get for her while they were in D.C., and put in a new clip.  Fred did the same thing. 

As Hector muttered, “Oh, shit,” nine men coming from three different locations were soon headed to where the shout had come from.  Hector didn’t bother warning Fred and Rosemary, as he knew they would be expecting trouble.  Instead, he turned off his communication set and indicated to his driver to do the same as they both exited the SUV.

The driver followed Hector as he raced to the front door of the mosque.  As he ran, Hector explained, “I’ve only got the key to the front door, but luckily it’s nearer where our people are.  They are inside the entrance in front of that large room where the ragheads do their kneel-down crap.”

Three came at Rosemary from the same direction as her first two.  They came ready to shoot.  Rosemary stood firm, without even the thought to flinch.  She fired the first shot of the battle, killing one of them.  The other two opened fire and—typical of Islamists—weren’t the best of shots.  Only one shot grazed Rosemary’s vest, while she fired two more shots…both fatal.

Meanwhile, Fred had his own fish to fry as four headed toward him.  He killed two before they could open fire.  The other two were firing at him as he killed the third.  But the last one to die had nicked his left arm.  The fourth man hit him in the shin of his right leg, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the floor.  His right elbow hit the floor, sending searing pain through his arm momentarily.  In that moment, his gun fell from his hand.   It slid away from him and, rather than reach out for it, he painfully reached up with his right hand, snatched the knife at the base of his neck, knelt, and threw it at the man, even as he was hit three times in his vest, taking his breath away.  The knife flew true to the neck of the terrorist.

As Fred eased over to his gun and picked it up, the imam and the other man still alive in the mosque came into the large room.  The man with the imam had his weapon raised.  Still on his knees, Fred shot and killed him, while Rosemary—seeing that he hadn’t yet raised his gun, shot the imam in the knee, then in the forearm, above his weapon.

With Fred on his knees, Rosemary raced to the imam and growled, “Move an inch, you son-of-a-bitch, and I’ll blow your balls off.”

The imam froze until Rosemary jerked his hands behind his back and secured them with a plastic restraint Fred had taught her how to use before they left Sedona.


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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Escape From Mexico, (More Books) - Clyde asked for help.

Today’s excerpt is from Escape From Mexico, a stand alone book featuring Clyde Feegle and friends, including Jim Scott.  An old friend calls Clyde for help to get his sister out of jail in Mexico.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



“Oh, yeah—more than I want.  As soon as I found out, I talked to Glenn.  He called Hector Garcia, who got her a Mexican attorney.  She was arrested for importing guns into Mexico in the trunk of her car.  It doesn’t look good.  The attorney got back to Hector—who, by the way, is paying for the guy.  Anyhow, she’s due for her next hearing on Tuesday, and as I said, according to the attorney, it doesn’t look good.  He told Hector she told him she had no idea how the guns got in her car.  It was a rental, just rented the day before in Tucson.  She crossed into Mexico at Nogales.  Glenn told me we can’t do anything…um, from here.  Suggested I give you a call, to see if you could maybe…well, get her out?”

“Hold on, my phone isn’t secure.  Don’t say anything else.  My partner, Bob Becker, has one of those phones like the one Glenn has.  Let me call you back—ask Glenn for his phone.”

“Roger.  Thanks, Clyde.  Talk to you soon.”

“You got it, pal.”

Mitchell (Mitch) Melosi was an Army Master Sergeant, attached to a three-man military team who worked as a special squad out of the CIA, tasked with tracking down and eliminating terrorists (mainly al-Qaida or offshoots of al-Qaida) seeking to get into the drug business in South and Central America.  Clyde had been part of that team before retirement.  The “Glenn” both men mentioned in their conversation was Glenn Burgess, the Director of the CIA. 

The phones Clyde referred to were special satellite phones a man by the name of Jim Scott (a very wealthy man who was a retired Marine Major and former CIA agent) gave to several friends…Bob and Glenn included.  They were absolutely secure from eavesdroppers—including the U.S. Government.  Another of those friends was Hector Garcia, a retired Marine Master Sergeant, who ran one of the largest detective/protection agencies in California—or the world, for that matter.  Hector also had a number of in-laws in Mexico. 

After telling Jo, who knew both Mitch and Glenn, what the situation was, Clyde called Bob to make sure he was home, then hurried over.  There, he brought Bob up-to-speed and asked to borrow his secure phone.  Bob, of course, agreed, and told Clyde how to call Glenn. 

Glenn answered, “Mitch is here in my office, Clyde.  He told me you were gonna borrow Bob’s phone.  I know this is Bob’s phone—this is Clyde using it, right?”

“Yeah, Glenn.  How are you?”

“Pissed.  How do you feel about taking care of this situation?  I just can’t do it from here—I know you understand.”

“Yes, I do, Glenn.  You guys do it and it ever comes out, all hell will break loose.  I’m sure I can get Bob to lend a hand, too.  We should be able to cobble something together, but could use some more data, as you can guess.”

“You can find what you need in your laptop.  It came to you from Jim Scott, but was routed through the computer of one of the many liberal senators he doesn’t much care for, with no way to trace it back to Jim.  From looking at the same material he came up with after consulting with Hector, I’d say your best bet is this coming Tuesday.  Use your own judgment.  Call if you need any “off the record” assistance.  Also, if you decide on Tuesday, let me know.  I want to be very visible here—and will have Mitch with me.  He, as you can guess, is more than a bit put out at me for insisting he keep his butt right here.”

“Yes, sir.  Tell Mitch we’ll handle it for him.”


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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Jo on the run.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a stand alone book featuring new character Clyde Feegle with Jim Scott and other old friends.  The first part of Jo’s escape works just fine.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



As soon as Tino and Basil realized Jo had left, they were not too concerned.  They planned to find her car, using the GPS device.  Their plan would have worked except, as she drove away, Jo started wondering how they had managed to find her so soon after her arrival at Clyde’s home.  Jo was far from a modern device twit, so in time figured out they must have some sort of device on her car. 

She stopped, looked under her car, spotted the device, pulled it free, and drove off.  Reaching her store, there was a newspaper delivery van parked nearby.  The driver was placing the Sunday paper in a vending machine.  Jo took the device and walked up to the van.  She reached under it and attached the GPS “gadget” (as she thought of it) under the van.

It took Tino and Basil two hours to track down the often-turning delivery van.  It had stopped in front of them.  Still not knowing the van was the target, when they saw the blinking light on their indicator stop, they pulled in behind it—thinking Jo must have pulled to a stop in front of the van. 

Tino had Basil get out of the passenger seat to go take a look.  He returned to their car.  “I don’t see her car anywhere.”

Tino had a bewildered look as he pondered what he’d been told.  Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, the van pulled out.  When the indicator again showed movement, Basil asked, “Do you think…?”

“I think Miss Kelly is much smarter than we gave her credit for.”

They followed the delivery van until it stopped again.  Rather than worry about retrieving their homing device, Tino drove off.  As he did, he glanced over at Basil.  “I fear we have an unfortunate phone call to make.”

“No, you have an unfortunate phone call to make.”


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