Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series - Close call in Iraq.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The Janitors get out of the al-Qaida facility they have raided inside Iraq just in time.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Holly, sitting in the Humvee outside the opening into the communication pod with Hector and her father, wondered just how close Jim was going to play it.  “A few minutes” off of ten didn’t leave much room for error.

Finally, Jim was done and he grabbed the computer tower from the unit he had been using and ran for the Humvee.  As he got in, he handed the tower to Drew, started the engine, and drove to the end of the corridor, where Hector told him to stop.  Hector leaned out the door, fired a shot at the gunpowder (which ignited it), and closed the door.  “Let’s make tracks.”

Jim swung around the Humvee in front of him and headed northwest, away from the complex.  Billy, driving the other Humvee, followed close behind.  As they drove away with as much speed as possible, Jim keyed the radio.  “Robber here, Cop One.  How are things looking?  Over.”

Cop One could see the Humvees speeding away and could also see the approaching Iraqi force.  The closeness of their departure to being caught had him almost holding his breath.  He replied, “In about another minute, I have to go get a drink for this bird.  Your heading looks fine to me.  Over.”

“Roger.  Thanks.  Out.”

“You cut that a little close, husband.”

Jim smiled and replied, “A minute is better than thirty seconds.  By the way, what about your boat?”

Holly grinned.  “Thought you’d never ask.  Went on by.” 

The Iraqi force was close enough to see the Humvees depart, but they didn’t have enough speed to catch up.  The force commander was trying to figure out his next move when the earth erupted just in front of him.  Debris from the mammoth explosion rained down on his column.  By the time things settled down, the Humvees were out of sight.

In the Humvees, the Janitors felt the shock wave of the explosion but were unimpeded by it and drove on.  The Humvees had been equipped, in addition to the radio link to their cover, with a secure communication link with Big Brother, the AWACS plane also flying overhead.

Jim now used that link.  “Big Brother, this is Robber.  I need to be patched through to the White House, General Bradley, ASAP.  Tell him Fox One is calling.  Over.”


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