Monday, March 6, 2017

Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the Janitors Series - Mob lawyer about to pay for his sins.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Having gotten the attention of the mob lawyer, Jim is ready to question him.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 
Leaving Hector behind, Jim and Holly went into Wallace Greenberg’s office building.  Using the phony names Holly had given Greenberg, and he gave the night guard, they signed in and took the elevator up to Greenberg’s floor.  They found his office and went in.  There was only one dim light on in the outer office, but an open door, with bright light shining, led them to Greenberg’s inner office. 
As they reached the door, Jim held his hand back to stall Holly, and entered the office with the silenced Walther drawn.  Greenberg was a heavyset man with a receding hairline.  His office was opulent and one wall was covered almost entirely in mirror.  Upon seeing the gun, he started to say something, but Jim interrupted him.  “Up, fatso.  Don’t say anything until I tell you to.  Just walk around your desk and sit down in front of it.”
Greenberg, sweat starting to bead on his head, stood, glanced at the mirror, and did as he was told.  When he was sitting down on the floor in front of his desk, Jim growled, “Okay, here’s the drill.  I’m going to ask you some questions.  You are going to give me some correct answers, and we’ll go on from there.  First question, those three drug dealers that you represent who got all shot up…who set up the retainer for them?”
Greenberg swallowed, glanced at the mirror.  “I can’t tell you that.  That’s privileged information.”
“You see this gun?”
“With this gun, I am going to blow your kneecap off…for starters.  Do you understand?”
Greenberg looked at the gun, at Jim’s set jaw, and had no doubt whatsoever that doing anything other than what this man wanted would result in death…or worse.  “Yes.  Mr. Gomez, one of the men who was so viciously shot, came into my office some six or eight months ago and placed a large retainer with me.”
“How much?”
Greenberg thought about lying, but changed his mind.  He again glanced at the mirror.  “Half a million.  Cash.”
Jim had noticed the third glance at the mirror and, on a hunch, turned partway to it and fired three silenced shots.  The mirror came crashing down to reveal a video camera and an open cabinet with several videos stored in it.  Looking back at Greenberg, he shook his head.  “You’re a very naughty boy.”
Jim walked over to the video camera, sure that Greenberg would make no move.  When he got to the machine, he turned it off and pulled out the tape.  Then he put the tape in a VCR and watched as the TV screen near it began showing his entrance and all that had happened up until the time he turned off the machine.
To satisfy his curiosity—and to verify that the library of tapes was what he thought it was—he pulled one of the tapes at random and put it into the VCR.  Turning up the sound a bit, he heard and saw one very notorious gangster in conference with Greenberg.  During the course of the conversation, the gangster made several very incriminating statements, sometimes at the urging of Greenberg.
Jim hit the ‘stop’ button, and smiled as he turned around.  “Oh, you are a very, very naughty boy.  But I will say this for your little set-up…it sure is going to make dealing with you a good deal easier.”
Sweat now running down his face, Greenberg asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean that when I leave here tonight, these tapes are going with me.  And everyone on them will get a copy of his portion of the tapes within twenty-four hours.  But before that happens, you are going to tell me everything I want to know, and tell me promptly.  You will have a very hard time running far with your knee caps blown off.”
Greenberg just sagged, knowing he was a beaten man, that he was going to do exactly as told, and would answer all questions accurately and honestly.   “I’ll do anything you say—just don’t release those tapes, please.”
“You weren’t listening.  The tapes will be released, no matter what you do.” 
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