Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Monster's Palace (Other Books) - Jo on the run.

Today’s excerpt is from Monster’s Palace, a stand alone book featuring new character Clyde Feegle with Jim Scott and other old friends.  The first part of Jo’s escape works just fine.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



As soon as Tino and Basil realized Jo had left, they were not too concerned.  They planned to find her car, using the GPS device.  Their plan would have worked except, as she drove away, Jo started wondering how they had managed to find her so soon after her arrival at Clyde’s home.  Jo was far from a modern device twit, so in time figured out they must have some sort of device on her car. 

She stopped, looked under her car, spotted the device, pulled it free, and drove off.  Reaching her store, there was a newspaper delivery van parked nearby.  The driver was placing the Sunday paper in a vending machine.  Jo took the device and walked up to the van.  She reached under it and attached the GPS “gadget” (as she thought of it) under the van.

It took Tino and Basil two hours to track down the often-turning delivery van.  It had stopped in front of them.  Still not knowing the van was the target, when they saw the blinking light on their indicator stop, they pulled in behind it—thinking Jo must have pulled to a stop in front of the van. 

Tino had Basil get out of the passenger seat to go take a look.  He returned to their car.  “I don’t see her car anywhere.”

Tino had a bewildered look as he pondered what he’d been told.  Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, the van pulled out.  When the indicator again showed movement, Basil asked, “Do you think…?”

“I think Miss Kelly is much smarter than we gave her credit for.”

They followed the delivery van until it stopped again.  Rather than worry about retrieving their homing device, Tino drove off.  As he did, he glanced over at Basil.  “I fear we have an unfortunate phone call to make.”

“No, you have an unfortunate phone call to make.”


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