Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Back To China, (Other Books) - Jim to lend a hand.

Sorry, no photo today, there seems to be a glitch in the system.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To China, a stand alone book featuring Jim Scott and other old friends.  Right after the two scientists are kidnapped by the Chinese, Jim is on his way to meet Tony Henry (now Sir Anthony).  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



As soon as Holly had the plane on a heading to D.C., Jim called Sir Anthony.  “Okay, pal, Holly is flying Hector and me to Andrews.  I’ll give you my plane info shortly.  But right now, I’d sorta like to know what the hell’s going on.”

“Kevin Hogan and Marlin Walendy have been kidnapped.  They were working on a special project at Area 51.  Those two are world-class…”

“Physicists…I’m familiar with some of their concepts.  Let me guess—they were kidnapped in Las Vegas.  If so, where were your people?”

“They were waiting at the casino hotel, where the two were going to enjoy some R&R.  DOD had a six-man team, in three SUVs, pick them up at Nellis Air Force Base, for transport to the hotel.  They made it less than a mile.  As of right now, they—or at least Hogan, and presumably Walendy—are heading west from Las Vegas.  Their present heading has them winding up in China—if, of course, I’m correct in assuming the Chinese are behind this.”

“You’re probably right.  So you want Hector and me to snatch them back?”


“I suppose you have no idea where in China they might be taken?”

“Just a hunch…one of the Jim Scott variety….one of your gut feelings.  There is a recently constructed Chinese facility in the middle of nowhere…Qinghai Provence, to be precise.  It was built into the side of a small mountain—more like a hill—and has a nice new road running quite a distance, to and past the facility.  They have only recently moved the heavy construction equipment out of the area.  Umm…one more thing—the road leads nowhere once past the facility.  It may or may not be completed.”

“How long did the construction take?”

“Roughly six months.”

“How long have Hogan and Walendy been at Area 51?”

“The better part of a year.”

“I’d say you may be right, but I’ll draw up two plans:  one for populated area, and one for the ‘middle of nowhere.’  By the way, since you seem to have sure knowledge of where at least Hogan is, I assume you have a GPS device imbedded in him somehow.” 

“Correct.  Now, give me your plane info.  You’ll be met at Andrews and flown to the White House.  We’ll meet you there.”

“Who is ‘we’?”

“The Prime Minister and me.”

Jim nodded to himself and gave Sir Anthony the information.  Then he got down to serious planning.  While he worked on the plan, Hector watched.  At one point, Hector asked, “You know we’ll need at least four, don’t you?”

“What I was thinking.  You’re figuring out who the other two will be.  I’m not real sure on timing, but I’d say we’ll have very little, so probably none of the folks who readily come to mind will do.”


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