Monday, February 20, 2017

Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy - Elmer makes a deal.

Today’s excerpt is from Horace Goes Home, Book #2 of the Bader Trilogy.  Elmer makes a deal with his reporter friend Helen.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Aboard the helicopter, Helen sat by Hector.  “What’s your involvement in this deal, Mr. Garcia?”

“Hector is fine, Helen—if I may?”

“Of course.  Umm, back to my question—if you don’t mind.”

“I’m working for Red Grassi on something.  He requested use of my chopper.  Hence, here I am, and here you are.  Before you ask, “I and my people had nothing to do with all the dead bodies you’re about to see.”

“How many dead bodies?  Who are they?”

“Save your questions for Elmer, please.  If he’s gonna lie to you, I don’t want the truth coming from me.  He’s a good guy…and a good friend of my present employer.”

“I’m well aware of that fact.  Is Elmer going to lie to me?”

“I hope not.  You’re way too pretty.”

“Oh, boy—I can see I’m in for something wild.  A guy who is probably nearly as rich as Red Grassi starts flirting with me to avoid the subject, I can just guess what dear old Elmer is gonna lay on me.  But he’s never let me down yet.  He says something, he makes good.  How about you?”

“Yeah…get some rest.  I am.  I’m bushed.”

Helen looked at Hector.  She thought he might be faking it, until he started to snore.  She nearly burst into laughter, but was afraid of waking him, so she settled back to do as told, to get some rest, even though she knew there would be no sleep for her.


When the helicopter landed, Elmer and those with him came out of their defensive positions, as dictated by Hector’s man.  They walked to greet those getting off.  After kissing Helen on the cheek, he stopped her cameraman from starting to shoot what he saw, and pulled Helen away from the others.  “Okay, here’s what I got.  You can film some of the bodies, but only get a good shot of the face of Tony Mosello.  He’s in the building at the end of the drive, on the far side.  There’s ten bodies here—I want you to report eleven.  Included in those dead you will say are Tony Mosello—who is, in fact, quite dead—along with his running mate—Benny Sgroi—who, in fact, is not dead.  I will trust you, to tell you—OFF THE RECORD, and not to be mentioned to anyone—that it is vital we find and take Sgroi alive.”

Helen looked at Elmer.  “Hey, pal—those two are reputed to work for Bettino Prudi.  I’m not really too thrilled with the idea of getting crossways of him.  Oh, my God—that’s who you’re after, isn’t it?”

“I always did say you’re one smart dame, Helen.  Yeah—but if we lose him because you open your mouth, I’ll personally kill you…or worse.”

“Rape me?  Please…please.”

“Hush.  Sgroi and Mosello killed six people.  We’re sure two of them were killed on the orders of Prudi.  We want Prudi.  We get Sgroi alive, we can make some sort of deal with him.  After this mess here, I’m sure he’ll be more than willing to pin the tail on Prudi.  You will be in on the whole deal, if you play along with me…including the arrest of Sgroi…along with the arrest of Prudi and D’Alema.”


“If possible, without getting you shot.  I still think you’re beautiful, so would hate to see your face on a morgue slab, with the rest of your lovely body.”


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