Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series - Billy and Jessica have a problem.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Billy and Jessica are in serious trouble, but don’t know the extent just yet.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Down in the basement, Billy and Jessica finished checking the remainder of the rooms on that floor, then donned their contamination suits before entering what appeared to be the main laboratory of the building.  Once through the main door, they passed through a decontamination chamber before entering the lab itself.

Just as they were starting to look around the lab, a man jumped up on the far side of the room…with his pants around his ankles.  He reached for the gun he had placed on a counter when he took off his holster before commencing the romantic interlude he had been engaged in with one of the lab assistants. 

He was the other of two nighttime roving guards employed at the Biao facility.  The first guard, now deceased (thanks to Hector and Jessica), had responsibility for the outside of the facility, this one the inside.  The woman with him was married and the only opportunity the two of them had for their secret romance was during late night hours when the facility was basically shut down for the night.

Both Billy and Jessica had placed their shoulder holsters containing their silenced Walthers on the outside of their contamination suits.  As the guard reached for his gun, both Billy and Jessica saw him and what he was reaching for.  They both unholstered their guns and fired as his gun was coming up.  Billy shot him in the forehead, Jessica right between his eyes.

The woman jumped up screaming and was also shot by both Jessica and Billy.  She slumped to the floor, dead by the time she reached it.  Her companion had not died without getting off a shot however.  While errant, in that it missed both Jessica and Billy, it had not failed totally to cause damage.  The bullet had smashed into a rack of test tubs, shattering them and sending a spray of glass flying, as well as the contents of the broken tubes.

Billy noticed that both contamination suits had been pierced.  “Jess, we better get the hell outta here.  To the decontamination chamber…now!”

Jim and the other Janitors heard the shot fired by the guard and Billy’s words.  As Billy and Jessica rushed toward the decontamination chamber, Jim asked, “What’s up, Billy?”

“Damn guy and gal were down here behind one of the lab tables, guess they were making out.  We didn’t see him until he jumped up and went for his gun.  Guess he was a guard of some kind.  Couldn’t tell much about her, except she was naked.  Both now dead.  As I speak, Jess and I are in the decontamination chamber, getting washed off.  Our suits were torn by flying glass.  Damn guy hit some of the test tubs where we were standing and sent glass flying everywhere.  Not to mention some of Biao’s concoctions.”

Jim sighed.  “Okay, when you’re through with the decontamination process, get the hell outta there.”

“Will do.”

After their contamination suits were well washed, Billy and Jessica took them off, and went through the process again with their clothing, which was then taken off and they showered in the fine decontamination spray. 

As they did, totally naked, Billy looked over Jessica’s body and grinned.  “Not bad, lady.”

Jessica chuckled.  “I was just thinking the same thing about you.  If it wasn’t for Drew, I’d make a naughty suggestion.”

“And, if not for Drew, I’d second the motion.  Damn, I got an itch…and I don’t mean to make it with you, but that too.”

“Yeah.  I got both itches too.”

Billy started looking at Jessica for reasons other than ogling and noticed a rash starting to spread over her body…blotches in several places.  Then he looked at himself and noticed the same thing.  He noticed Jessica doing the same thing.  “Wonder what the hell this rash on both of us is?”

“Me too.  Actually, I’m starting to feel…I don’t know…just not quite right.”

“Me too, Jess.  Not really sick, but something.”


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