Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of The Janitors Series - Captured Iranian due for an unhappy surprise.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim decides what to do with the captured, very rich, Iranian who had bought one of the kidnapped young ladies…who was rescued by Billy and Hector.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



By the time Drew and Boris returned to the Joint, Billy had called Jim with news of what had been found on the computer disks he and Hector had taken with them.  Adel Dowiat Abadi had been left aboard the plane—well secured—as had Hector and the rescued Julia.  With Hector keeping an eye on Dowiat Abadi and talking to Julia, Billy borrowed a computer from Central Command, Doha.  After going over most of the tapes, and making copies as he did so, Billy called Jim.

“Hey, white man, this stuff we took with us from Abadi’s place is hot as hell.  But most of it concerns Israel more than us.  This guy was funneling millions to Hizballah, Hamas, and other terrorist groups of more interest to them.  There is some info on al-Qaida, including its ties to Hamas and others, but nothing we didn’t already know.”

Jim thought a few moments before he replied, “Okay, take the jerk and his stuff to Israel and turn it and him over to Ben Schiller.  I’ll give Ben a call and tell him to expect you.”

“What about his money?  He’s got tons of it in several accounts.  About a quarter of a bil, from what I can make out.”

“Oh, hell, we’ve got more than enough.  Tell Ben I said ‘Merry Christmas’.”

“He’s Jewish.”

“No shit.”

“Want us to come on back to the Joint after we deliver Abadi?  And what about the girl?”

“Come on back.  Bring her with you.  We’ll send her on her way from here.”

“You want us to use his plane?”

“No.  Give it to the military.  Maybe they can figure out a use for it.  I’ll call General Bradley and arrange transport for you.”


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