Thursday, January 12, 2017

How 'bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy - Trap being planned for terrorists.

Today’s excerpt is from How ‘bout Both, Book #3 of the Bader Trilogy.  Hector and the LAPD SWAT team have finalized their plans for the trap being set for the terrorists when Elmer arrives to join the meeting.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



At his meeting with Hector and the three senior members of the SWAT team operation of the LAPD, Elmer quickly explained the situation with the witnesses being outed by various media types.  He made a point of telling them Helen’s station was the only one he knew of that hadn’t broadcasted the information.

Then the meeting restarted.  Elmer was the last to arrive, so the others had already made most of their plans.  The cemetery, selected the previous day in the Chief’s office, was chosen because it was isolated from nearby buildings, at a distance to limit collateral damage, in the case of a car bomb attack…which was expected if the terrorists were to make an effort to take out a large portion of the LAPD during the funeral.  With the information being put out by Helen’s station—most often with Helen herself reporting the facts—about the full details and timing of the funerals, they all assumed they were offering up too good an opportunity for Simmons—and whoever he was working with—to not make the try.

There was a long drive, leading from the end of a major street up into the cemetery proper, with a good section of greenery space on both sides of the access road.  The nearest building to the access road just happened to be a seventy-two unit apartment building…owned by none other than Hector Garcia.  On top of that, all seventy-two units were occupied by employees of Hector—a point not lost on the Chief when agreeing to the selection of the cemetery in question.  The families of the slain officers had been told why they wanted to use the cemetery, and they had readily agreed. 


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