Monday, January 30, 2017

The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the Janitors Series - Chang trap being thought out.

Today’s excerpt is from The Tickleton Affair, Book #5 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Drew and Jessica, with Evan and John with them, look over the site of their planned trap for Chang.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Ben and Neil were unable to see well enough from their positions that she carried anything until she neared the door, and then only got a glimpse of it and paid no real attention.  Once Evan and Jessica were inside, John turned off the last outside light and walked them through the house to the rear door, opened it, and pointed toward high ground some hundred feet away.  “That’s the ridge that swings around until it looks down on the western street.”

Jessica nodded and headed that way with her goggles back on and her rifle case in her right hand.  Evan shrugged, put his goggles back on, and followed.  Jessica glanced back.  “You don’t have to troop up here with me if you don’t want to.  I’ll be fine.”

“Nothing else to do.  Besides, you might see a snake.”

“If I do, I’ll shoot it.  And, as you no doubt know, at this time of night, as cool as it is, there aren’t likely to be any snakes about.”

“Yeah, I know.  Just trying to be gallant.”

John and Drew laughed at that, but otherwise remained silent as John made coffee.

Up at their position, Ben and Neil didn’t even see Jessica and Evan head up their hill.  Evan still hobbled, but was doing better with his cane.  As she neared the top of that hill, Jessica looked around and nodded.  Then she walked on around it, until she could see the outline of the Western street.  She stopped and looked back.  She liked what she saw.  “Drew, where I’m at is almost perfect.  I can see the whole valley.  The house you’re in, the movie street, the front entrance, and the barn—all with no problem.  I can dig in right here and have a clear field of view of any possible direction of attack.”

“Good, Jess.  John and I’ll be up in a minute or two…he’s putting on coffee.  Want me to bring you a cup?”

“No, that’s okay, Drew.  The walking’s a bit rough…you’d just spill it.  I’m going on to the very top of this hill.  I’m about ten feet down from it now.”

“Okay, see you soon.”

Jessica nodded, then grinned as she realized Drew couldn’t see that movement.  She started on up the side of the hill.  She took about three steps and walked on the side of a rock, which gave way.  As she started to fall, Evan caught her…by her left bosom.  As he steadied her, he moved his hand up toward her shoulder.

She smiled.  “Thanks.  First time that’s ever been used as a hand hold to break a fall, but came in handy.”

Evan blushed in the dark and absently patted the top of her breast, without thinking what he was doing.  “Oops, sorry.”

Drew heard this exchange.  “What’s up?  What fall?  What ‘oops’?”

Jessica laughed.  “I slipped and nearly fall.  Evan caught me.  The ‘oops’ ain’t none of your beeswax.”

Drew grinned as his imagination ran rampant.  “Oh.  Take it easy.”

By the time John and Drew reached Evan and Jessica, she had her sniper rifle out and had sighted in on Ben.  She grinned as she saw the thermos and four cups John was carrying.

John saw the grin.  “Hope everybody likes black coffee.”

Jessica nodded, “I do, thanks.”

Evan held out his hand for a cup.  “Me, too.  I appreciate it.”

Jessica had sat down to sight in on Ben.  She now laid her rifle in her lap and held out her hand for the cup of coffee John had poured for her.  With her other hand, she pointed at Ben, Neil, and Gail.  “Easy shot, if you want to reduce the odds, Drew.”

Drew shook his head in dismay.  “You do that and how’s Lin gonna find us?”

“Oh, yeah,” joked Jessica.

Drew grinned.  “That’s one, young lady.  You got me.  I thought you were serious.”

John, wearing his goggles—as were everyone but Jessica, who had taken hers off to sight in the gun, which had a night vision scope—looked up at the three uninvited guests on the far away ridge.  That’s an easy shot?  They’re a mile away, at least.”


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