Thursday, January 5, 2017

Billy's Rescue, Book #7 of the Asps Series - The Asps check out Billy's handiwork.

Today’s excerpt is from Billy’s Rescue, Book #7 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The Asps find the camp where Billy had been taken, and find the remains of the terrorists who had captured him.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 
Back at the camp, the team had finished scouring the area, looking for signs of Billy while observing what they could from what was left of the camp as to how he might have pulled off the very thing he had done.  Bear spoke first, “Okay, I found where they were holding him.  A makeshift cell…ha…with hinges on the inside.  Saw where they must have stacked his clothes, after stripping him.  Saw where he somehow managed to drag the clothing to him before he used our famous Drew-slant-Boris belts to get loose from a chain they had around his ankle.  Saw a bit of skin and blood on the chain clasp, but not much blood.  He unhinged the door.  I found what must have been a sentry to guard him, with his throat slit.”
Dusty smiled and nodded.  “Yeah, I found a couple of guys with slit throats, too.  Bear, you are good at remembering faces—might want to take a look at those two.  I think I recognized one—a mid-level al-Qaida guy by the name of Haafiz Abdilla.  The other guy, I don’t remember seeing any pictures of.  They’re in what’s left of the tent over there.  They’re a bit charred, but not to the point they can’t be recognized.  Also found an empty holster next to Abdilla’s body.  My guess is Billy took the guy’s handgun.”
Jack was tossing a brass rifle casing.  “Yeah, he’s armed.  Gotta tell our boy to police his brass.  This is ours…so he has his own rifle.  From where I found them, I’d guess he had a pretty good shot into the cave, where those idiots must have stored their ammo dump.”
Kye grinned.  “Yup, right next to their beds.  What idiots.  I’m betting he booby trapped the ammo dump, then set it off with a shot from where Jack found the casing.  Those guys inside the cave are crispy fried…some blown apart, then crispy fried.”
Bruce smiled at the thought of one man doing so much damage.  “We came to rescue Billy but these dumb bastards are the ones who needed rescuing.  Jack, from where you found the casing, any sign of which way he’s headed?”
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