Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy - Assssin foiled again.

Today’s excerpt is from Pool Of Blood, Book #3 of the Becker Trilogy.  Would-be assassin thwarted again.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



While Michelle had been in the judge’s chambers—after the short time it took her to take care of the case that had brought her to the courthouse—much had happened.  Both Gus and Bob were looking over the area in front of the courthouse from high windows, facing the very direction Newton and Morsi were placed.  Bob had been concentrating on any windows where a sniper might set up shop, while Gus was more concerned with ground-level sites. 

Gus noticed the white panel truck some distance away and nudged Bob.  “Could you make the shot from that white truck?”

Bob looked where Gus was pointing and nodded.  “Sure…easy.  Easy from twice the distance.”

“Think I should have one of my guys check it out?”

“Yeah, but tell him to go with caution.  Might get a couple of other guys headed in the same direction at the same time.  Those FBIs down there wandering around friends of yours?”

“Yeah.  Got some plain clothes county boys, too.  We’re all on the same frequency.”

“Then I’d have a couple of the plain clothes guys headed in the same direction, rather than uniforms.”

“Just what I was thinking.  You might make a good cop—oh, never mind…not the way you handle things.  We’d have shootings all over the streets of St. Charles.”

“Is that a nice way to talk?  I would never do any such thing.”

“Oh, no.  Let’s see—my front yard; your driveway…”

“Just get your guys on the way to the panel truck.”

Gus laughed and did as asked.  It might have worked, except the uniformed officer standing in front of the courthouse, of course, heard when Gus told the officer nearest the truck to go check it out and asked two of the St. Charles County detectives in plain clothes to head in the same direction.  Hearing those orders, the policeman in front of the courthouse looked at the uniformed officer and pointed at the truck. 

Newton saw this.  Then saw a uniformed policeman and two other men change direction, to slowly walk toward the truck.  “Mahdi, get the hell outta here—now. I think they’re on to us.”

Morsi didn’t need to be told twice.  In seconds he had the truck started and pulling into traffic.

Bob glanced over at Gus.  “Well, if that was him, he’s sharp.  Guess we should keep checking things over, until Michelle gets here.”

“I could send a posse after him.”

“Good thinking, Tex.  Then what?  Let’s say your men trap him.  He gets out and blasts away, killing a couple of our pals on the force…and maybe even gets away.  Talk about shooting on the streets, you might get it.  Let him go for now.  This jerk is lethal.  Also, with his history, he’s got a good escape plan in place, so they probably wouldn’t catch him anyhow.”

“You know something I don’t, don’t you?”

“I know a lot you don’t know, gumshoe.”

“Oh, that was cute.  Give.  What do you know?”

“I know who he is, and I know who is behind this…and have a pretty good idea why.  All obtained illegally.  You want more?”

“You rat.  How long have you known who he is?”

“Since the day or so after his first try.  Look, Gus, my friend Jim has all sorts of resources not available to you.  Not the least of which is a computer you wouldn’t believe.  It’s better than anything the FBI, or even the CIA has.  He also has experience dealing with this type of asshole—way more than I do.  Let us handle it.  We’ll get him for you…us.  Just don’t go all cop on me and demand information I’m not gonna give you.”

Gus smiled.  “I oughta run you in on general principles, but you probably know a higher ranking general.  Now what?  What do you want me to do?”

“Help me get Michelle away from here safely.  Speaking of whom, I wonder where in the hell she’s at.  Her deal in court should have been over long ago.  She did have one more little thing to attend to, but it shouldn’t have taken this long.”

Gus pointed.  “Speaking of the devil.”

Bob turned to see Michelle walking their way.  He went to meet her, kissed her, and asked, “You ready to head for the barn?”

“Sure—if you don’t want to take me to a late lunch.”

“Why not?  You comin’ along, Gus?”

“Who’s buying?”


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