Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the Asps Series - Captured terrorists about to be questioned.

Today’s excerpt is from Bullets And Baseball, Book #6 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The team, plus Tony and Sergey, get ready to question their prisoners and try to get into the captured laptops.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



After all four vehicles were pulled to a stop next to one another, everyone got out, including the prisoners.  Bruce looked around.  “Okay, I’m gonna work on the computers—Dusty, you help out.  Who’s gonna question who?”

Hector pointed to Hassan.  “I’ll take him—Ike you can give me a hand.  Jack, I’ll need a surgical glove.  I’ll also want some rope.”

Jack said nothing as he went for his medical bag, Tony grunted, “I’d like to speak with Usmani.”

Bruce nodded and looked at Sergey.  “I’ll take Mirza.”

Bear spoke up, “I’ll try Kahn, if it’s okay.”

Bruce nodded.  “Sure, go ahead.  Billy, you, Maggie, and Pete, keep watch out for bad guys.  One of you keep a close eye on the tracks we left driving through this tall crap.”

Sergey suggested, “Shoot first, ask questions much later.  Anyone shows up in this region is almost surely not friendly.”

Bear nodded.  “Amen.”

Bruce shook his head, looked at Dusty, and asked, “Here too?”

Dusty grinned.  “We may have accidentally been in the area after getting a bit lost.”

“Brother, you two sure got around—lost my ass.  You’ve never been lost in your life, Roy MacInnis.”

Bear laughed and, as he looked at Dusty, joked, “Oh, yes, he has.  Went off in a rain forest on Dominica…lost his virginity.”

Kye shook her head.  “I didn’t do that to him until we got back to the ranch.  To change the subject abruptly before my husband says something he’ll regret, what do you want Jack and me to do, oh, great leader?”

“You look pretty—Jack, you give anyone on the questioning team who wants it a hand.”

Bear grinned.  “I need a glove, too—and some rope.

Sergey shrugged.  “Give us all a glove, Jack—I’ll get rope out of my Rover.  Kye, if you’re looking for something to do, give me a hand.”

Kye clapped, but followed Sergey.

Soon all four prisoners were led off, with each “interrogator” having a surgical glove and a long section of rope.  While they were being outfitted, Billy, Maggie and Pete fanned out to guard the perimeter of the area, with Billy going part way down the tracks they had left in the foliage while driving in.


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