Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bear's War, Book #5 of the Asps Series - Dusty and Bear coming around after nearly being blown up.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and have a wonderful New Year.

Today’s excerpt is from Bear’s War, Book #5 of the nine-book Asps Series.  Bear and Dusty, knocked silly from being too near a major explosion slowly coming around.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



As everyone laughed at that, Bruce rolled his eyes.  “Let’s go check on my people.”

Kye was happy to hear that because she was getting antsy worrying about Dusty.  Tony loaded everyone up in three Land Rovers and drove them to the base hospital.  Once there, they were able to talk to the doctor who had tended to the three men.  He reported, “The fellow with the cut face and broken wrist is fine.  Your medic did a perfect job on him.  The other two blokes will be fine in a day or two.  Both are now able to speak a bit, and show signs of being able to hear slightly.  They’ll have severe headaches for a day or two, but that should diminish soon enough.  They can all go as soon as you’d like.  No sense in staying here…they’ll be just as well off in your plane as they are in our beds.”

Bruce nodded.  “That was gonna be my next question.  Flying won’t hurt them?”

“Not in the least.  Your medic told me the seats on your plane let down into comfortable beds, and I told him to keep their heads elevated slightly.  The pressure in your plane is no doubt well adjusted to altitude, so they should be fine.  No alcohol for two or three days…and no strenuous activity.  They can fight their wars later on, but not now.”

Ike couldn’t help himself as he looked at Kye, then asked, “What about sex?”

Kye hit him and everyone laughed.  The doctor answered, “Hopefully it would fall under the strenuous activity matter I just mentioned.  If not, why bother?”

Kye groaned, “In case you haven’t figured it out, the tall red-headed one is my husband.  No booze, no sex for three days.”

The doctor just smiled and nodded.


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