Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the Asps Series - Raid starts.

Today’s excerpt is from Tears And Terrorists, Book #4 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The raid on the secret Iranian prison starts.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



NOTE:  This will be the last posting for this year.  Gonna take several days off for the holidays.  Be back on January 3rd of next year.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Jim nodded.  “Take him out.”

As the guard fell dead in his tracks, everyone was already headed back to their various vehicles.  Jim started his buggy forward.  When they were about thirty feet from the front entrance to the prison, he stopped.  “Bruce, take Ike and Bear and start going through the out buildings…looks like most of them are homes for the guard contingent.  Take a few rolls of duct tape for wives and children.  Dusty, you and Kye stay with the buggy you’re in, in case we need a fifty…and hope we don’t.  Everyone else, let’s go.”

Bruce, Ike, and Bear headed for the furthest building from the prison, of the eight they would go through.  The rest of the team—except Dusty and Kye—headed for the entrance.  Once there, Jim tried the door and, just as he was about to open it, Tony asked, “Do you see what I see,” as he pointed at the dead guard.

Jim backed away from the door and looked closely at the dead man.  He saw what Tony was talking about.  The man wore the uniform of the infamous Qods Force.  Jim raised his eyebrows.  “Well, that doesn’t really change anything, but it sure leads one to suspect whoever we find inside definitely needs rescuing.”

He went back to the door and opened it slowly.  Sitting inside at a desk was another guard…also of the Qods Force.  He died even as he looked up and saw Jim fire his Asp.  Jim was quickly through the door and headed for the desk.  The others followed him and fanned out in the small entryway to the main prison.  In a matter of seconds, Jim found a map of the building, with each cell marked, as well as guard stations.  The building had two floors and had cells on both floors.  According to the schematic of the building, there would be two guards—in addition to the now-dead one—on each floor.  To get to the cellblock, and the stairs to the second floor, they would have to go through the door behind the desk and off to one side.  While Jim showed the floor plan to everyone, Tony, after looking at it, started rifling the desk, and Hector checked out the guard.  He found what looked like a master key and showed it to Jim, who nodded.  To that point no one had said a word, and wanting to keep it that way, Jim used hand signals to indicate who would go where.  He indicated Tony, Sergeant Major Squires, and the other two SAS men would go up the stairs to the second floor.  When they went through the door, Jim and Hector would go to the right, Dan and Anson to the left.  Everyone nodded their understanding, then Jim took a deep breath and opened the door.


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