Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the Asps Series - The Asps rescue (he thinks) a terrorist.

Today’s excerpt is from The Zimo Hunt, Book #2 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The Asps and MI6 agent Tony Henry “rescue” terrorist from Pakistanis with the idea of making him feel they are fellow terrorists.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



The building Dusty and Kye approached was an office building which had a third-floor veranda surrounding it.  At the rear of the building, there was an emergency fire escape-type ladder, which they used to climb up to the veranda.  Moving in shadows and very quietly, they followed the veranda around to the front of the building, until they could see the sniper, sitting half-asleep in a chair, some ten feet past the corner.  Dusty looked at Kye and shrugged, then they both hurried, hoods on their heads, to the sniper, who was totally caught off guard.  Kye fired her stun gun and, as the man flopped toward the floor of the veranda, Dusty caught him in one hand, and his chair in the other.  He also stuck out his leg to keep the man’s sniper rifle from hitting the veranda floor.  Kye quickly helped him by taking the chair, putting it back upright, then she took the rifle and laid it down.  By then, Dusty had put duct tape across the man’s mouth and was tying his feet together with the same material.  With Kye’s help, he bound the man with still more of the tape.  For good measure, he tapped the man rather firmly on the side of the head, using the butt of his Asp.  Done, he whispered into his communication set, “Our guy is out of action.  We’re gonna head back to the street.”

Meanwhile, Harry and Tony had a bit of a climb, to get at the other sniper Tony felt they were likely to find.  When they managed to get to him, they did much the same as Dusty and Kye had.  Satisfied they had their man out of commission, Harry told the others they had also succeeded.  Then they climbed back down to the street, to meet the rest of the team, as planned, at a blind spot near the front gate of the compound.

When the team—except for Ike and Jack—was gathered alongside a rock wall surrounding the compound, only a few feet from the front gate, Harry looked at Bear and nodded.  There was a guard shack just inside the iron-bar gate.  Bear, who had been encouraged to drink all the water and coffee he could hold…and to hold it, now handed his hood and shoulder holster to Dusty.  He rolled his eyes before boldly walking up to the gate, where he unzipped his pants and proceeded to urinate on the guard shack.  The two guards saw, raced out of the guard shack, and out of the gate, yelling at Bear to stop.

As soon as the two guards were outside the gate, Harry, Tony, and Dusty ran up from the shadows where they’d been, and zapped them with their stun guns.  In seconds, the guards had their mouths taped, their feet taped together, and their arms pinned to their sides with the duct tape.  Everyone at the compound, except Bruce—who stayed back to cover their backs and to move the guards into the guard shack—was through the gate and running to the front door of the compound.  Once there, they boldly went right in, and caught the two guards at a front desk totally flatfooted.  Before either guard could react, they both got a dose of the stun guns.  Tony then led Bear (who had taken a jacket and gun from one of the guards) and Kye to the room where he knew Baroom was being held, while Harry stood guard in the hallway, in case anyone happened along.  Tony was well-disguised and went in first.  Baroom was lying with restraints which held him to an iron bed, without any type of covering, and was in obvious pain.  Tony quickly put tape on his mouth and a hood over his head.  He said in Arabic and using a false gruff voice, “Enough of your nonsense.  You will talk to me, or wish you had.”  Tony grabbed Baroom’s free arm and broke it between the wrist and elbow.  Next, he pulled his leg over the edge of the metal cot, and broke it between the knee and ankle.


While that was going on, Harry pulled the two guards in the lobby over behind the desk.  Just as he finished, another compound guard turned a corner from a different direction than Tony, Kye, and Bear had gone.  The guard reacted way too slowly, as Bruce shot the gun he carried with his Asp.  The guard was stunned, as the weapon in Harry’s hand made virtually no sound, and stood there open-mouthed as Harry rushed forward and zapped him with his stun gun.  Harry soon had the man gagged and bound, like the other two, inside the main entrance.  Harry then dragged him to the other two, and plopped him down on top of them.


After Tony rearranged the arm and leg of Baroom, Kye and Bear went into the room, and Bear fired a muffled shot into a jacket taken from a guard, using the guard’s gun.  He said in Arabic, “Drag that piece of garbage out of here.”  Kye grunted and smiled, as Tony quickly walked out of the room.  After Bear freed Baroom from the restraints, Kye pulled the hood off his head and took the tape off his mouth.

Bear said in Arabic, “I’ll carry you to our cars.  Put your good arm over my shoulder and grab onto the strap of my shoulder holster.”  Baroom did as told, and Bear carried Baroom out of the building. 

Seeing them coming, Bruce said into his communication set, “Ike, Jack…cars…now.”

  The cars were waiting for Bear by the time he reached the gate, and he put Baroom in the car driven by Ike.  Bear and Kye got in, while the others piled into the second car.  Once in the car, Kye and Bear took off their hoods, and Bear said, in Arabic, “You’re safe now.  We have a plane ready.  We will be in the air in minutes.”

Baroom, who was suffering a great deal of pain from the torture he’d endured in the past twenty-four hours—not to mention the two newly broken bones—just nodded his thanks. 


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