Monday, December 5, 2016

Assassin I Am, (More Books) - Rosemary officially in.

Today’s excerpt is from Assassin I Am, a stand-alone book featuring new character Fred Dupree and some old friends…including Hector Garcia and Jim Scott.  Rosemary officially joins Fred on his mission.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



When Fred got back to his condo, Harvey was there, talking to Rosemary.  They had been having a nice long discussion, and both had decided they liked each other a good deal.  They also both had drinks.  When Fred came in, Rosemary hopped up and poured one for him.  He took it with thanks, sat down and grinned.

Harvey looked at him and asked, “They’re ready to fly, aren’t they?”

“Yes…thank you for asking.  My current plan is to leave for L.A. sometime tomorrow.  Any objections?”

“None.  Go when you want.  After reaming my ass with a boat oar, both the Secretary and Director are on board with Rosemary being your new partner.  I must say those targets and the results of your St. Louis operation went a long way in getting them to agree.  Both of them are also good friends of this Hector Garcia fella—and the Director has already called him, to expect to hear from you.  Garcia is also a very close friend of the guy who paid for your hideaway in Sedona.  From what I was told, they are both rich as hell.  Garcia, by the way, is semi-retired, but told the Director he would personally handle giving you any assistance needed.

“Also, on the L.A. front, Homeland is now monitoring all three mosques in your report.  Actually, one was already being monitored—obviously not too well, because we had no negative information coming out of the place.  I’ll give you the contact information, with the man in charge of that operation, before you go.  Oh, I forgot something about Garcia.  He is fully aware of what you’re up to, and told the Director he has some pertinent info to pass on to you.”

“He must be something, for the Director to tell him all, Harv.  Wonder what his background is, and how he knows the Secretary and Director so well.”

“Don’t know, but both talked about him like he was some sort of god or something—the guy who paid for your place in Sedona, too.  Want me to pick you up…and if so, when?”

“Yes—and I’ll let you know when.”

Harvey nodded and left.  Alone with Rosemary, Fred joked, “Okay, little Miss Assassin—you’re in.  Don’t blow it by getting me killed, please.  I’ve grown accustomed to your bod.”

“Thank you—and I yours…bod, that is.  You’re safe if you don’t do anything stupid that I can’t cover for.  Seriously, darling, I finally feel I’m in the right spot in my life for the first time.  What I mean is, I feel alive…totally alive.  I think I was born for this.  Let’s go kill some damned Muslims.”

“Can we start with terrorist Muslims?”

“Oh, sure.  But when we get done with them, we go after the rest of ‘em before they become terrorists.”

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