Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series - Attack underway.

Today’s excerpt is from Back to Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The Janitors start the attack on the secret underground al-Qaida facility in Iraq.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Hector, Holly, and Tom meanwhile circled wide around the front entrance, until they came to the river.  Then they headed upstream.  When they saw the first of the guards, Hector halted them, watched, and waited.  The man was smoking a cigarette.  When he finished, he tossed the butt into the water and headed down a path.  That path led to the boat docks, which were underground and out of view of Hector and his team.

After the man disappeared, Hector eased forward, with Holly and Tom close behind.  When he reached the path taken by the guard, he went partway down it and had a good view of all three guards, three boats, and the rear entrance to the cave-like structure.

He motioned Holly and Tom forward, took out his Walther, and signaled them to do the same.  All three then gently laid down their rifles and crept forward.  The guards were doing a very poor job of guarding.  For that laxness, they paid with their lives.

Hector and his cohorts got within twenty feet of the nearest guard without detection.  At that point Hector stood up and shot the man.  Well before the other two could react, they died under a hail of bullets from three guns. 

Hector gently felt his ribs, motioned the other two to check on their victims, and whispered, “Jim, backdoor secure.  Three down and out.”

Jim replied, “Roger.  Drew, Boris, you’re close enough.  You’re both in easy pistol range.  Drew, you take the one on the extreme left; Boris, you have at the one nearest him.  Billy, you take the guy on the far right; I’ll take the other one.  On three.  One, two, three.”

All four men fired within a second of one another.  All four hit what they were aiming at.  Jim and Billy rushed forward, as Drew headed to check bodies while Boris stood his ground looking all around to make sure there were no surprises.

By the time Jim and Billy reached Boris, Drew had reported all four targets dead, though he had to help one on his way.

Hector heard Drew report the success of the front entrance operation, took his rifle from Tom (who had retrieved all three of them), and headed toward the rear entrance.   There were two large metal sliding doors that came together in the middle.  Those doors were closed about halfway, a fact that pleased Hector to no end.

When they reached the doors, Hector went to the end of the one they stood behind and peered around the edge to see the vast cavern before him.  He also saw the nearest machine gun nest, which was manned.  He quickly pulled his head back and whispered, “Jim, we have a machine gun, manned by two men, not twenty feet from us.  My guess is you’ll run into the same thing.  We’ll wait here, until you start the dance.”

“Roger.  Thanks for the warning.”

Drew was standing behind a door similar to the one Hector stood behind some two hundred feet distant.  As Jim, Billy, and Boris approached, Drew peered around the edge and saw basically what Hector had at the other end.  He whispered to Jim, “Same thing.  Two-man machine gun encampment.”

“Well,” replied Jim, “this isn’t good,” just before replacing Drew and peeking around the door’s edge himself.  The two men at the machine gun were talking and not paying the least attention to the things they should have been.

Jim saw no one else nearby so he boldly walked around the door and shot both men.  As their dead bodies slid down next to the gun behind the sandbagged enclosure, Jim raced forward, with the others following suit.

They all knelt down behind the sandbags and Jim whispered, “Two more down.  Hector, take out the two guys you saw, then report.”

“Roger,” Hector said before peeking around the door again.  He saw both men looking at each other as they talked, stepped out, and shot each man in the head, then rushed forward with Holly and Tom close behind.

He checked the pulse of both men, needed another shot to finish the job on one of them, then reported.  “Both down and out, Jim.  We’ll hold here at the gun pit until you tell me otherwise.”



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