Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Fido, Book #3 of the Asps Series - Drug lord had a bad idea.

Today’s excerpt is from Fido, Book #3 of the nine-book Asps Series.  The Asps take out the head of a drug operation bent on killing the CIA Station Chief.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Without being told, Kye set her sniper rifle down against the wall of the house, as Harry did the same.  Both pulled their Asps out, and waited until Bear and Ike had reached the front door.  When Harry gave a nod, those two opened the door and went inside.  Bear whispered, “So far, so good,” as he and Ike moved to an open doorway.

  Bear took a quick peek and whispered, “Okay, now,” as he and Ike stepped through the doorway and began firing the almost totally silenced weapons.  As they did, Harry tried the handle on the door and found it unlocked.  He opened it and went in, with Kye right behind him.  They started shooting as soon as they entered the room.  In seconds, six of the seven in the room were dead, and the leader of the group in the room was frantically reaching for a gun.

Harry said in Spanish, “Not a good idea.”

The drug dealer was in no mood to listen.  Even as he picked up the gun, Harry shot him in the side of his head.  As the others made sure everyone in the room who had been shot was dead, Harry took out a small can of spray paint and painted a message on the wall.  It said, “Mess with our friends from al-Qaida and die,” and Harry signed the message with the name of the drug group known for having dealt with al-Qaida.  As quickly as they had arrived, the four Asps left the house and villa compound.

They were well on the way back to Bogotá before the wife of the big-time drug dealer found him and his friends.  By then, Harry had called Jose.  “Your immediate worries about being offed are solved.  We left a calling card which may deflect attention from you, for the time being.  But if I was you, I’d concentrate on that operation, since they will eventually get back to worrying about you.”

“You want to give me some details, Harry?”

“No.  Don’t be looking a gift horse in the mouth.”

“Are there going to be any repercussions from this?”

“I wouldn’t think so.  Oh, there might be—but not directed at us…the U.S., that is.  I’d say there may be a drug war or two—and we’re not through yet.  We’ve developed the idea of leaving nasty messages behind on our little deals, blaming other drug dealers for our deeds.”

“Very clever.  If it doesn’t work, I get shit on my face, however.”

“Not really.  Nothing to tie us or you to this deal.  I’d appreciate no report going to Washington about it—if you don’t mind.”

Jose laughed, “Since you probably saved my bacon—at least for now—I think I can forget this conversation ever took place…or some-such movie land comment.”


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