Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the Janitors Series - White slavery takes another blow.

Today’s excerpt is from The Saltwater Connection, Book #6 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Billy and Hector rescue woman kidnapped and sold into white slavery to an Iranian businessman.  When they leave in the man’s plane with the woman and the Iranian, they take a good deal of information, gems, and money with them.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



Billy meanwhile ran into the mansion, heard rustling, and followed the sound to find Dowiat Abadi wrestling to get a gun case open.  Billy grunted and growled in Farsi, “Not a good idea, pal.”

Both Billy and Hector included both Turkish and Farsi in the long list of languages they were fluent in.  But since neither had spoken either language in quite a while, when not sleeping they had practiced both languages on the flight from Andrews to Turkey.

Dowiat Abadi slowly turned and, at the silent urging of Billy with the end of his gun, raised his hands.  Billy gave him a very serious look.  “Okay, as my leader likes to say, here’s the deal.  First: I want to know where the American woman you bought at that Canadian slave auction is.  Then we’re going on a little ride in your plane.  If you’re good, you may live.  Now do be good.  Where is she?”

Adel Dowiat Abadi considered his options and decided he had few.  “Follow me.”

Billy followed as asked, with his gun at the base of Dowiat Abadi’s neck.  They went up a flight of stairs, to a locked room.  There Billy’s captive carefully reached into his pocket and took out the key to the door.

Inside, the young woman, named Julia Bobbit—who, on hearing the key in the door, assumed she’d have to again “service” the revolting creature who had “bought” her—sighed, then she saw Billy and the gun pointed at her “owner.”

Billy nodded in her direction.  “I’m here to take you home.  Get dressed—quickly, please.”

She didn’t have to be told twice.  She jumped out of the bed she’d been in and put on the flowing robe and slippers, which were the only things she had to wear.

Billy nodded toward the bed, which had several large pillows on it.  “Take off all the pillow cases there and follow me.”

Then he herded Dowiat Abadi out and back toward the study he’d found the man in.  On the way, they met Hector who grinned as he saw the young woman running to catch up, carrying an armful of pillowcases.  “Doesn’t seem to be anyone else around.  Must be the maid’s night off.”

Billy nodded and grinned.  While there earlier, Billy had noticed a computer in the study.  He roughly shoved Dowiat Abadi down in a chair, and looked at Hector.  “Secure that idiot.”

“Yes, amigo, with pleasure.”

Hector ripped off a portion of Dowiat Abadi’s shirt and used it as a gag.  Then he pulled off the man’s belt and secured his hands.

While Hector was busy, Billy started filling one of the pillowcases with computer disks and all the papers in and around the study’s desk.  That completed, he did a fast check of the room, found a hinged picture, pulled it away from the wall and looked upon a large safe.  Hector saw that, pulled the gag out of Dowiat Abadi’s mouth, and asked, in Farsi, “Combination?”

Dowiat Abadi gave the combination without arguing.

Billy soon had it open, and emptied the contents into a pillowcase.  Included in the loot were several bank passbooks, a large tray of precious gems, close to a million dollars in various currencies, and another batch of computer disks.

While Billy did that, Hector looked the computer over and, using a letter opener from the desk, proceeded to take the computer apart, well enough to get the hard drive out of it.  That went into another pillowcase.  Then both men looked at each other.  Hector shrugged, Billy smiled, and they soon were on their way out of the mansion, heading toward the plane outside.

Within ten minutes, Billy had checked the fuel, found it full, and had started the engines.  As Billy nosed up, Hector called Jim on his cellphone (which, in fact, wasn’t a cellphone, but rather a satellite phone, as were all those used by the Janitors).

When Jim answered, Hector said, “Hi, boss.  Guess what we got?”

“From the way you asked that, I’d guess you’ve liberated a happy young lady.”

“Good guess, amigo.  As we speak, we are flying Mr. Adel Dowiat Abadi’s plane, with both the young lady and Abadi aboard.  Where do you think we should fly this lovely plane to?”

“Ask Billy if he has enough fuel to make Qatar, and if he has charts on how to get there.”

Hector did as asked and Billy took the phone.  “Fuel, we have.  How-in-the-hell to navigate, I have no idea.  Why do you think we’re calling you?”

Jim laughed.  “For now, fly due south while ‘squawking’ our Janitor code.  I’ll call General Bradley and have you intercepted and escorted to Qatar.  You can land at our facility there.”

“Done and done.  So long.  Oh, wait.  In addition to our two passengers, we have a hell of a lot of computer disks, his hard drive, and a bunch of other stuff.  Plus some money and several bank passbooks.”

“Good job.  When you get to Qatar, check over the disks and give me a call.”

“Roger, out.”

“See ya.”


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