Monday, December 19, 2016

Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the Asps Series - Bear pulls off a daring move.

Today’s excerpt is from Birth Of The Asps, Book #1 of the nine-book Asps Series.  On their first mission, the Asps and Tony Henry of MI6 find out something about Bear…he’s a keeper.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Bear went on down the path, until he saw Dusty.  He stopped, took off his mine harness, and started pulling on the dead man’s clothing over his own.  Finished, he picked up one of the mines and went forward to a spot between Dusty and Kye. 

As he passed Dusty, Dusty whispered, “Kye, the guy coming down the path is Bear.  Don’t shot him.  He’s wearing clothing from a dead guy…I presume.”

Kye didn’t respond, and Bear smiled as he left the path and worked his way down through the vegetation, to the clearing on Kye’s side of the slight ridge that separated the camp’s two sides.

He walked out amongst several of the terrorists, most still trying to sleep.  He nodded to a few and kept on until he found a nice place to leave the mine.  Then he slowly walked back the way he had come.

Three more times, he did the same thing on the other side of the ridge.  After the fourth and last mine was left behind, he found a place to settle in, that was between Dusty and Harry.

Tony watched all of that with awe, and marveled at the audacity of the man.  Dusty watched with a smile, but was neither surprised at his friend nor that he brought it off without a hitch.  The rest of the team knew they had a winner amongst them.


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