Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dead Silent Calm, Book #7 of the Janitors Series - China raid underway.

Today’s excerpt is from Dead Silent Clam, Book #7 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Facility breached and the Janitors head in.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Wasting no time getting there, Billy, Holly and Suzan soon were standing at what appeared to be a back door to the facility.  Billy gave it a fast once over and whispered into his communication set, “Jim, small problem here.  The door seems to be solid metal and no outside signs of an alarm system…be my guess it’s on the inside if there is one.  Want me to blow it, or wait for you?”

Just as Jim started to respond, Hector muttered, “Hell.”

A roving guard had just appeared from behind one of the other buildings.  As he spotted Billy, Holly and Suzan and reached for the communication set on his right front shoulder, two silent puffs emitted from the silenced sniper rifles pointed his way.  Both Hector and Jessica fired within a hairsbreadth of each other.  Hector’s shot hit him in the base of his throat, Jessica’s in his right eye.  He was dead before he hit the ground.

Jim just nodded.  “Wait for us, Billy, but put a charge on it while we head your direction.”

Billy said nothing, but did as told while Jim, Hector, and Jessica hurried to join the others.  When they arrived, Jim looked over the door and took out the lock picking tools he carried.

With the lock soon picked, Jim sighed and turned the doorknob.  As he pushed the door open, he muttered, “Okay, guys fan out.  I may be setting off an alarm.”

The building had two stories above ground, and one basement floor.  Jessica followed Billy through a door leading down to the basement floor; while Jim and Holly hurried down their corridor in opposite directions.  Hector found a stairway leading up to the second floor and took it in great haste with Suzan right behind him.


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