Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the Janitors Series - Team discovers a Nuke problem.

Today’s excerpt is from Back To Iraq, Book #2 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  The Janitors take down an al-Qaida facility inside Iraq, but may have found a bigger problem.  Enjoy and have a wonderful day. 



He whispered, “Jim, I’ve found their arms cache.  Other than weapons, it seems empty…I mean, no one about.”

Jim didn’t answer because he was peeking around the opening of the communications pod.  Jim saw four men and quickly pulled back.  This time he paused to think.  He was sure now that this was the last pod—hence, the last of the enemy was inside.

He whispered, “Four inside.  Looks like their com center…let’s try to take one or two alive…but not at the risk of getting our asses shot off.”

The other three men smiled and all four walked in.  When seen, Jim shouted, “Freeze,” in perfect Arabic.

Saddam Alwash went for his sidearm, as did his men.  All four died in seconds.

Jim muttered, “Damn.  Well, no one to question, so let’s see what we can find out on our own.  Tom, Holly, guard the back entrance.  Billy, how about taking the front.”

Billy nodded and asked, “What about the Humvees?”

Jim thought just a second.  “Good point.  Drew, Boris, you guys feel like getting them?”

“No,” joked Drew, then added, “Come on, old man.”

While Jim started investigating the computer equipment in his pod, Hector found the light switch in the armament pod and started searching there.  It didn’t take him long to find something he wished he hadn’t.  He walked down the corridor to where Jim was, and walked in.  You ain’t gonna like what I think I found.”



“You’re shitting me.”

“Wish I was.  Looks like those satchel ones the Ruskies had.”

Boris, who could hear the conversation quite well in spite of bounding along in a Humvee growled, “That’ll be ‘Russians’ had, Mexican rodent.”

Everyone laughed, but the mood only lasted a few brief seconds.  Then Jim sighed.  “Boris, when you get back, check this out with Drew.  Hector, stay here and help me with these computers.  I’m finding some interesting stuff.  I think we may have just stumbled onto bin Laden’s financial center…or a good portion of it anyhow.”


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