Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the Janitors Series - Jim working toward getting Tom a pass.

Today’s excerpt is from Baghdad Butcher, Book #1 of the nine-book Janitors Series.  Jim takes the first step toward getting the drug transportation charges against Tom Wilson dropped.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



Nearly thirty-five minutes later they reached the building that housed the office of Mike Vitro.  After he parked, Hector noted that it was nearly six, so he woke Jim and Holly. 

As he got out of the car and held the door for Holly, Jim groaned, “Well, so much for power naps.  I feel like crap.”

As they walked away, Holly joked, “You don’t look so hot either.”


After introductions had been completed—with Jim posing as an FBI agent, with a real but forged identification card and shield—he and Holly were seated.  Jim said, “Mr. Vitro…”

“Mike, please.”

“…okay, Mike.  Let’s get right down to brass tacks.  I think all concerned agree that Tom Wilson is mixed up in a bad deal.”

“I would put it a bit stronger than that, but go ahead.”

“I would like your permission to talk to Wilson without you being present.  If you agree, and he agrees with what I’m going to offer him, he walks.”

“Get off?  Scot free?”

Jim chuckled to himself at the inadvertent double meaning in the use of his real name, which Vitro didn’t know, but nodded.  “Yes.  Of course he may have to testify, up to and after which his life will be in great jeopardy.  However, if he agrees, I will make his safety my responsibility, and will get him far from harm’s way.  I think there is a reasonable chance that at some not-too-distant time, his expectations of a safe life will be greatly enhanced.  Part of this deal will be absolute silence about this matter from you.  If he goes along, I plan on no one being aware that he is even gone from his present location.”

“How in the world would you arrange that?”

“With a great deal of difficulty, and I’m sure much screaming from more than one source.”

“Like John Engle?”

“For one, but not limited to him.  However, that’s my problem, not yours.  It may require some fancy footwork on your part to avoid the attorney of his friends.”

“Wallace Greenberg?”

“Yes, or whomever.  If you agree to all of this, I would like to meet you in the morning, about eight.  We’ll have John Engle with us, so if Wilson is agreeable, we can get the show on the road.”

“A show I wouldn’t miss for anything in the world.  Though from what I’ve heard about Engle, he’s a pretty straight shooter…”

“He is,” put in Holly.

“…and I don’t think he’ll be too happy about a flat-out walk for Tom.  But, as you said, ‘your problem’.”

Without bothering to reply to Mike’s concerns, Jim stood up.  “In the morning, then.”

“I’ll be there.”


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