Monday, January 16, 2017

Bigfoot Bait, Book #2 of the Becker Trilogy - One of the girls escapes.

Today’s excerpt is from Bigfoot Bait, Book #1 of the Becker Trilogy.  Would-be Bigfoot bait Lindsey escapes.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



The other main thing to happen that night was of much more significance.  For some reason he would never live to explain, Clay woke up to relieve himself around one in the morning.  As he did so, he decided to go check on Lindsey.  Even though the walk was nearly a mile from his camp, he set out.  One reason for his decision was he was wide awake and amped up to see if Bigfoot had taken the bait.  Another was probably just a fervent hope it would be so.

Some twenty-five minutes later, he came to the bait site.  He slowly eased into a position where he could see where she was staked out.  He couldn’t believe his eyes.  He shined his flashlight —until then turned off—to where she had been.  She was gone.  The stake was gone.  Only her hood was lying there, next to where the stake had been.

He yelled, “Bigfoot got her!  Bigfoot got her,” as he turned to run back to his camp to check his monitor.  He was so excited he didn’t even berate himself mentally for not having thought to do so before he made the long walk.  As he ran he thought, “It worked, it worked,” over and over again.  He did think to call Biden, but selfishly decided he would be the first to see Bigfoot.  He was panting deeply when he arrived.  Fumbling with excitement, he opened the laptop to play back the camera footage.

What he saw was not Bigfoot.  Instead he saw Lindsey, hobbling off, carrying the stake.  He slammed the laptop shut, then got up to run back to the bait site.  He again thought of Biden, but decided to let his friend sleep while he took care of the situation.  He decided she couldn’t have gotten far hobbling, with her ankle chain keeping her from making rapid progress.  What he didn’t consider was how long she had been gone.

As soon as she had been tended to for the last time the previous night, Lindsey started thinking.  She decided she would somehow escape.  She thought things out the best she could, deciding the first step would be the removal of the hood.  She could feel the stake next to her leg.  It took a bit of doing, but Lindsey managed to hook the hood onto the stake.

Able to see, she looked over her situation.  She had felt the stake move a bit when she was struggling to get the hood off.  Now she pushed against it using her head.  It moved surprising well, so she again contorted herself until her hands grasped it.  Taking a firm hold, she rolled over onto her back…the stake came with her.

Elated, Lindsey slid the lock and looped piece of chain off it on the bottom, pointed end.  Then began the long process—done slowly to avoid fouling up the chain somehow, thus defeating her efforts—of unlooping the chain from the handcuff linkage to the waist chain.  When Biden and Clay had staked each girl out, they had removed the small chain attaching the handcuffs to the waist chain.  Why they had done so was anybody’s guess—but Lindsey was happy for it. 

Free from the waist chain, she now had full movements of her hands—except, of course, for the fact that she was still handcuffed.  With this new freedom, she undid the long chain from all obstructions, except for where it was padlocked to the connecting chain of the leg cuffs.

When all that had been accomplished, Lindsey laid on her back and let out a loud sigh.  She stayed that way only for a few minutes, enjoying the ability to stretch out.  She knew well that with her feet held together with the chain, she would be unable to move rapidly.  Thus, with a grunt, she got to her feet.  Once standing she picked up the stake, and wound up the excess amount of the long chain, so she wouldn’t trip over it. 

With short, choppy steps, she started leaving the area.  She decided to head downhill, as she figured that going uphill was folly—and to either side would accomplish nothing.  At the elevation where she had been staked out, the slope was gradual, but still discernable.


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