Friday, January 6, 2017

Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the Asps Series - Bad guys come up with a bad (for them) idea.

Today’s excerpt is from Father Mulligan, Book #8 of the nine-book Asps Series.  John, Maree, and Andrew James thwart raid on the Telman home.  Enjoy and have a great day. 



The two men with their drawn guns were headed toward the light source in the den, because as Fugleman had driven up, John, Maree, and Andrew James were just about to reach the gap in a covered walkway, leading from Drew’s den to the den those three were now in.  Fugleman had instantly realized who the three must be…the son of his enemy, with two people babysitting the lad.  Knowing full-well Boris wasn’t home—or at least feeling it was extremely unlikely—he seized on a diabolical plan at once.  He told his men to go into the home and kill not only the boy, but also the two adults, then come back for the explosives to seed the house with them.  His idea was Boris would be so upset at the loss of his child, he might make an error in judgment as he entered the house.  He would thus set off the explosives that would be booby-trapped in several areas.

The plan might have worked, but for John knowing the security system so well—plus the quick action of Andrew James.  On being asked if there were any guns available, he immediately went to a button and pushed it.  It opened a drawer to reveal three handguns.  Andrew James knew all were loaded, took one, and pushed the safety to ‘off’ as he handed it to John.  Then he did the same with another of the weapons before he handed it to Maree.  He picked up the third gun and did the same.

John instructed, “Maree, go behind the bar…it should give you quite a bit of cover.  Andrew James, you hide behind the end of the bar, out of sight.”

Maree did as told, while Andrew James gave John a funny look before he went to the end of the bar…but not behind it.  John just sighed as he went to the far side of the room, to stand near the inside of one half of a pair of dark curtains.  Only when he got there did he quickly check to make sure his gun was loaded.  He noted the round in the chamber, so assumed Maree’s gun was likely set up the same way.  Maree—not being a novice with guns…she had one near her bed at home—had already checked her gun, to find it ready to go.  The gun John had was a silenced Walther.  Maree had an unsilenced Glock, while Andrew James had one—his own—of the Asps.

When the two men hurried into the room from the covered walkway, they froze as they saw three guns pointed at them.  Even as he started to raise his own gun, one of the intruders thought he had never had a beautiful woman point a gun at him before.  It was the last thought he’d ever have, as Maree calmly pulled the trigger.  The slight jerk of pulling the trigger, rather than squeezing it, caused the gun to rise just a bit.  Her shot, aimed at his heart, instead hit him about three inches higher up.  The Glock, as well as the other weapons, had the explosive anti-personnel rounds routinely used by all the Asps and ex-Janitors.  The gun roared as she fired, but it didn’t affect the shot to the forehead of the other man fired by the silenced Asp in Andrew’ James’ hand—nor the shot into the side of the first man’s head—fired by John.  When John quickly moved his weapon to fire at the other man, the man was already headed to the floor, quite dead.

John growled, “Maree, call 911…fast,” then went to the two men to make sure they were dead. 

Outside, with his window down, Fugleman heard the report of the gun Maree had used.  He knew his men had silenced weapons.  As he sat considering the situation, he heard several sirens in the distance.  He decided he best leave the area, his men be damned.


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