Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy - Elmer, Alan, and Reggie into shootout.

Today’s excerpt is from Whodunit Did It, Book #1 of the Bader Trilogy.  After getting pulled from the “Whodunit” case to handle another one, Elmer, Alan, and Reggie get into a shootout.  Enjoy and have a fantastic day. 



Then the two of them walked over to Reggie, who turned to give much the same information Elmer already had.  They compared notes before Elmer nodded, “Guess we better follow up on the lead Bert gave me.  We get in the car, Reggie, you call this guy in.  See what you can find out beyond what Bert had.  Alan, get our vests out of the trunk.  Reggie, you use mine.  I got you into this—anybody dies for lack of a vest, it’s me.”

Reggie didn’t like it, but knew Elmer was senior, so decided he wasn’t going to discuss the matter further.  After he and Alan put their bulletproof vests on, they all got in the car.  Elmer drove to the address Bert had given him, while Reggie found out there was little on Soxey beyond what Bert had told Elmer.

Soxey was already there.  He had spun a nice yarn which had the blood of some of his gang members boiling.  The thinking was no damned cops were going to take sides

As the three detectives got out of their car, five gang members came out, guns a blazing.  They were met by three experienced policemen who didn’t flinch a bit, as they returned fire.  In no time at all, all five gang members were down.  All three policemen were still standing.  Elmer asked, “Reggie, you okay?”


Elmer then asked, “How about you, Alan?”

“Took one to the vest…I’m fine.”

Ignoring his own wound, Elmer nodded, “Reggie, call it in.  Get us backup and the meat wagons—this may not be over yet.  Alan, you stand firm while I check these boys out then stick my nose in the building.”

“Like hell—I’ve got a vest.  You stay put…I’ll nose around.”

Not waiting for an argument from Elmer, Alan hurried to the men on the sidewalk.  He could see two were probably dead, two were wounded enough they would cause no harm.  The fifth one he wasn’t sure if he was dead or simply dying.  He reported all he found out as he kicked the gang members guns away.  Alan then calmly walked to the door of the building, which was a ramshackle former retail shop.  He stuck his head around the doorframe, and saw no one before he took a step in.  After his eyes got accustomed to the darkish interior, he moved in.  He saw the rest of the former storefront was empty.  He backed out and reported to Elmer.  By then all types of sirens could be heard racing toward them. 

While Gordon wasn’t the first to arrive, he was close to it.  He glanced at the blood dripping down Elmer’s arm and asked, “You okay?”

“Oh, sure.  Just a scratch—but Ruthie is gonna crap.  I’ve never been shot when I wasn’t married to her.  Hope she holds up better this time than the last.  My situation out of the way, do you want a report?”

“Might be an idea.  You know the drill; you’ll all be out of things until we get this straightened out. ”


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